Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2136, 12 Feb 20

Wisconsin Elections Commission Is a Disgrace

Their incompetence is only matched by their arrogance.

Members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission on Wednesday voted unanimously to delay enforcing a state law on the books since 2011 that they argued could sow confusion and open the state up to an Iowa-style election meltdown during Wisconsin’s presidential primary in April.

With a 6-0 vote, both Democratic and Republican commissioners scrapped a plan for local elections officials to send two separate ballots to all absentee Wisconsin voters — at least 81,000 people — ahead of the statewide April 7 election, even while acknowledging their action is likely violating state law. The April 7 election features a presidential primary, state Supreme Court general election and other local races.

“The law here is very clear, but the law isn’t going to be easy for our clerks to follow,” WEC chairman Dean Knudson, a Republican, said. “In following the law, there’s at least going to be inconvenience and confusion, and, at the worst, there could be chaos.”

2136, 12 February 2020


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