Boots & Sabers

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1052, 08 Feb 20

Trump Fires Two People Involved in Impeachment

To be fair… people who crossed Hillary ended up dead.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Exacting swift punishment against those who crossed him, an emboldened President Donald Trump ousted two government officials who had delivered damaging testimony against him during his impeachment hearings. The president took retribution just two days after his acquittal by the Senate.

First came news Friday that Trump had ousted Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the decorated soldier and national security aide who played a central role in the Democrats’ impeachment case. Vindman’s lawyer said his client was escorted out of the White House complex Friday, told to leave in retaliation for “telling the truth.”

“The truth has cost Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman his job, his career, and his privacy,” attorney David Pressman said in a statement. Vindman’s twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, also was asked to leave his job as a White House lawyer on Friday, the Army said in a statement. Both men were reassigned to the Army.

Next came word that Gordon Sondland, Trump’s ambassador to the European Union, also was out.

“I was advised today that the President intends to recall me effective immediately as United States Ambassador to the European Union,” Sondland said in a statement.

The White House had not been coy about whether Trump would retaliate against those he viewed as foes in the impeachment drama. White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Thursday that Trump was glad it was over and “maybe people should pay for that.”

Seriously, though, is this a problem? Put yourself in Trump’s shoes. He believes that he was falsely accused of wrongdoing and these two people were among the accusers. They work for him, but he no longer trusts them, their judgement, or their willingness to carry out his administration’s policies. Why would he keep them on board? Are they entitled to the jobs?


1052, 08 February 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    No kidding.

    Crossing the Clintons meant dead.

  2. dad29

    Seriously, Trump should have fired about 500 more worms and termites.  Seriously, many should be executed and the rest should serve life in prison.


  3. Merlin

    The Vindman brothers don’t lose anything other than access. Sondland goes back to being a very rich man.

  4. jjf

    Yeah, why shouldn’t the President be able to do anything he wants?  I for one would never be some one who crosses him!  I am very loyal Party member!

  5. Mike

    Trump should have all of the insubordinate RESISTers long ago.

    Also, military officers and ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the president.

  6. dad29

    When you hire a junior coder and that junior coder lies about your instructions to your client, causing you to defend a non-compliance action in court, Jiffy, what do YOU do??

  7. Le Roi du Nord

    So you two think that the Clinton’s had folks killed?  If you had evidence of such crimes a true patriot concerned about the rule of law would provide that evidence to the law enforcement agencies for investigation.  Since there is no statute of limitations on murder, and since your party controls the FBI, DoJ, and probably your local sheriff it should be a slam dunk for conviction, right? Why not step forward and do your part for law and order?

  8. Kevin Scheunemann


    What, are you nuts? Only 2 presidents have ever embarrased Hillary. Both of them were impeached…

    Drywall, Christmas Lights, Jeffery Epstein. What are things that don’t hang themselves, Alex?

  9. dad29

    Seth Rich.  Vince Foster.  Jeff Epstein (with reservations….that could have been MI6).  Ron Brown.  Various Arkansas pimps and drug dealers.

  10. Le Roi du Nord

    Right kiddies. If you have the proof, spit it out. You can all be heroes. Otherwise you are just two-bit wackadoodles.

  11. jjf

    Let’s cheer while he finds ways to punish his entire family!  For freedom and the rule of law!  Buttery males!

  12. dad29

    Sorry LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy……you earned the “wackadoodle” title long ago.  We wouldn’t steal it from you.

    The (D) Party has a history of stone-cold killing, going all the way back to its slaver days in the mid-1800’s, right through the KKK, not to mention hundreds (thousands??) of race-based hangings, fire-bombings, etc…….

    And then there’s the (D) abortion business, with 50+ million killed just in the USA.  Worshiping at the altar of Moloch (Nancy’s god)………wackadoodle, indeed.

  13. Pat

    There were patriots who swore an oath to tell the truth. And there’s a 5 time draft dodger, who paid off porn stars he had affairs with while married, friend of Jeffrey Epstein, who turned up dead in his cell, who didn’t take any oath and is a known liar. I know who I’d believe.

  14. jjf

    Sounds like Dad29 thinks the Republicans should give up on rules and laws, and emulate those he thinks are the worst.

  15. Le Roi du Nord

    Come on dud, if you have proof of the Clinton’s guilt, share it with the world.  You would be a hero in the wackasphere.  Maybe even get Rush to give you a shout out.

  16. Mar

    jjf, what laws has Trump broken?

  17. jjf

    Mar, laws don’t matter!  Truth doesn’t matter, if you have alternative facts.  Norms don’t matter, until the speech is ripped up!  What are you talking about?

  18. Le Roi du Nord

    Per the GAO:

    The law at issue, the Impoundment Control Act, was enacted in 1974. It limits a president’s power to withhold money that has been allocated by Congress, requiring approval from the legislative branch to do so.

  19. dad29

    It limits a president’s power to withhold money that has been allocated by Congress, requiring approval from the legislative branch to do so.

    So what?  They got their money.

    Patsy knows all the “truth-tellers”, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy.  The two of you should talk while you’re crying about the REAL patriot in the oval office.

    You’ll have plenty of time, too!!  Trump will be the President until 2024.

  20. Pat

    “ Patsy knows all the “truth-tellers”

    No, not all the “truth-tellers”. Only all the liars.

  21. Le Roi du Nord

    So what dud? He broke the law per his own administration. Kinda blows the whole idea of law and order conservatives.

  22. Mar

    “So you two think that the Clinton’s had folks killed?  If you had evidence of such crimes a true patriot concerned about the rule of law would provide that evidence to the law enforcement agencies for investigation.”
    Follow your own advice, Le Roi.

  23. dad29

    From Politico, January 2017:

    “Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

    “A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

    “The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia.

    Ukrainian interference in a US election is a criminal matter.  Your implicit endorsement of Ukrainian criminal activity here is disappointing, LeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy.

    You’re certain that your loyalty is to the US?

  24. Le Roi du Nord


    Great job of cherry picking.  You forgot to include this part from Politico, 1-11-17, same article:

    “The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.”

    “Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials.”

    “And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don’t think we’ve ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we’ve seen in this case.”

    Looks like those Ukraine officials did what you won’t; provide evidence of a crime that led to conviction.  Manafort is still locked up.

    And could you point out where I endorsed any criminal activity by anyone?  Or have you taken on the “I’ll make stuff up whenever I want” role of your partner in crime and dishonesty?

  25. Le Roi du Nord


    You are talking silly again.  I don’t have evidence that the Clinton’s killed anyone.  If I did, I would, without delay, turn that evidence over to the proper authorities.

  26. Jason

    >Manafort is still locked up.

    On completely unrelated charges to what you took all that time to quote… Cherrypicking indeed, you’re the resident expert of that.


    >partner in crime

    Are you accusing someone of an actual crime?  Do you have evidence to support those crimes?  If so, be a hero and come forward!  You are a moron.

  27. MjM

    Nort supports purgey and Lyin’ Jimmy Clapper: “The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia.”

    “At its best, the Steele dossier is an “unverified and salacious” political research memo funded by Trump’s Democratic rivals. At worst, it may be Russian disinformation worthy of the “garbage” label given it by esteemed reporter Bob Woodward.

    The second document, known as the “black cash ledger,” remarkably has escaped the same scrutiny, even though its emergence in Ukraine in the summer of 2016 forced Paul Manafort to resign as Trump’s campaign chairman and eventually face U.S. indictment.

    In search warrant affidavits, the FBI portrayed the ledger as one reason it resurrected a criminal case against Manafort that was dropped in 2014 and needed search warrants in 2017 for bank records to prove he worked for the Russian-backed Party of Regions in Ukraine.

    There’s just one problem: The FBI’s public reliance on the ledger came months after the feds were warned repeatedly that the document couldn’t be trusted and likely was a fake, according to documents and more than a dozen interviews with knowledgeable sources.

    For example, Ukraine’s top anticorruption prosecutor, Nazar Kholodnytsky, told me he warned the U.S. State Department’s law enforcement liaison and multiple FBI agents in late summer 2016 that Ukrainian authorities who recovered the ledger believed it likely was a fraud.

    “It was not to be considered a document of Manafort. It was not authenticated. And at that time it should not be used in any way to bring accusations against anybody,” Kholodnytsky said, recalling what he told FBI agents.

    Likewise, Manafort’s Ukrainian business partner Konstantin Kilimnik, a regular informer for the [Obama] State Department, told the U.S. government almost immediately after The New York Times wrote about the ledger in August 2016 that the document probably was fake.

    Manafort “could not have possibly taken large amounts of cash across three borders. It was always a different arrangement — payments were in wire transfers to his companies, which is not a violation,” Kilimnik wrote in an email to a senior U.S. official on Aug. 22, 2016.

    He added: “I have some questions about this black cash stuff, because those published records do not make sense. The timeframe doesn’t match anything related to payments made to Manafort. … It does not match my records. All fees Manafort got were wires, not cash.” – The Hill

  28. Pat

    Remember a week ago when Republicans were shitting their pants over Schiff’s “head on pikes” comment. And now that it’s happening, they’re silent.

    Awful. Just awful.

  29. Jason

    I don’t remember anyone “shitting their pants”.  I remember a number of Senators saying that what Schiff said was not true.  They never had anyone in the Trump organization warn them before hand.  Do you have some evidence to the contrary?  You would be heroic if you came forward with it and blew the whistle.  It’s your civic duty to prove those senators were lying when the shook their heads in disagreement with Schiff closing lie.

  30. Mar

    Well, Le Roi, obviously this is Monday morning and you aren’t thinking straight.
    If you evidence of Trump misbehavior, take it with law enforcement, DOJ and others.
    You must have some other evidence to prove President Trump committed a crime.

  31. Pat

    Sounds like Juvenile Jason still has poop in his pants.

  32. Le Roi du Nord


    I don’t need to, GAO already did. See above.  How long till trump fires them?


  33. Jason

    >Sounds like Juvenile Jason still has poop in his pants.

    Seems you’ve run out of original thoughts… again.  See you in a week Patty.

  34. Pat

    Good comeback, Juvenile Jason!

  35. Merlin

    White House Anonymous has been identified as well and will soon have a new work address.

  36. dad29

    But they were far less concerted or centrally directed than Russia’s alleged hacking and dissemination of Democratic emails.”

    “Alleged” hacking.  Offered–as usual–without any evidence whatsoever.

    And you know why there is no evidence, don’cha, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy?

    Because the Democrats never let any US law enforcement agency look at their computers.

    Of course, if YOU have evidence, you’d better turn it in.  It’s your Civic Duty.

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