Boots & Sabers

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2126, 04 Feb 20

State of the Union Speech

Wow. That was quite a speech and magnificent political theater. Fascinating.


2126, 04 February 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I enjoyed Democrat women dressing up that ended up looking like the Klan women’s auxillary.

    Then the racist Democrats on floor refused to clap for the wonderful African American girl.

    Then Pelosi ripping up speech on everything that makes America great showing what a treasonous, poisonous, hack she is.

    Trump did an excellent job. He was reserved and let the Democrats hang themselves with their own rope. The guy is a political genius in execution.

  2. Mar

    The liberals embarrassed themselves. From Pelosi tearing up the speech to not clapping for the lowest unemployment rate for minorities, showing once again the liberals are racist.
    It is so sad that liberals in Congress are such very petty people.

  3. Pat

    I didn’t watch it.
    It’s all BS.

    Owen is correct. It’s political theater, and nothing else.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann


    Maybe you should watch it, to see just how embarrassing, poisonous, liberals were.

    But you bias against pointing out awful, disgusting, liberal behavior, don’t you?

  5. Pat


    You need to re-read what I wrote. I wasn’t biased against any political faction.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann


    You have to watch it to see the poisonous behavuor of libs.

    Then you will understand my comment.

  7. Pat


    I watched highlights on the news this am. Sounds like it started with Trump acting like a child and refusing to shake Pelosi’s hand, and ended with Pelosi acting like a child and ripping Trumps speech up. In between those two bookends was a campaign rally.

  8. Kevin Scheunemann


    You cannot perceive it through lens of bias liberal news.

    That is like perceiving bible through eyes of Satan.

  9. Pat


    I saw it on Fox News.

  10. Kevin Scheunemann


    I FIND THAT INTERESTING. can you point to clip you saw?

  11. Pat


    The clips that showed what I described. Duh.

  12. jjf

    Decorum.  Norms.  Truth.  Tell me more!

  13. Le Roi du Nord

    Both trump and Pelosi were just playing their roles. What bothers me is the continuing fabrication of economic performance by the current occupant. There was a great fact check this AM on NPR.

  14. Pat


    I’m watching Fox News right now and it’s still covering what I’ve described.

  15. Merlin

    Pelosi needs to fabricate a career ending health issue and find a warm beach somewhere to down boat drinks and count her money.  The poor woman is completely frustrated trying to combat a 900 lb. gorilla with a herd of stray cats. Hand Steny the gavel and let him take the beatings.

  16. Jason

    You would think this is “great” fact checking.


    I didn’t see one direct fact being checked… only generalizations that did or did not disagree with what Trump said or focused on one single sentence and the softened it with phrases like “Well in the past twelve months there was slowing” when Trump’s quote clearly shows “Since my election”.  NPR is cherry picking hard to spin down to their listeners… like you.


    Lol, sorry if I used BIG WERDS for you.   Maybe go upstairs and ask Gramma to help you with them?

  17. Mar

    Seriously, Le Roi, NPR? The “news” agency that is comparable to Tass from the Soviet Union.
    And yes, I do listen to it from time to time.

  18. Pat


    And Fox isn’t comparable to Tass?

  19. Mar

    Pat, Peesident Trump didnt shake Vice President Pence’s as well. Was he acting like a child when he did that?

  20. Mar

    No Pat because they also liberals on their show. NPR rarely has a conservative on unless they are a politician or a conservative Never Trumper.

  21. Pat


    What news outlet would you say is best at giving unadulterated news?

  22. jjf

    Unadulterated news is not the point for Trump supporters, is it?

  23. Pat

    “Peesident Trump didnt shake Vice President Pence’s as well. Was he acting like a child when he did that?”

    Well, last year Trump presented a copy of his speech to Pence and then Pelosi. Pelosi extended her hand to Trump and he shook it. He then turned to Pence to shake Pence’s hand, extending his hand to Pence. Pence then shook Trump’s hand.

    So to answer your question, Mar, yes, Trump was acting like a child.

  24. Merlin

    Factual news of the mass media sort died long ago. What we get now is commentary dressed as news demographically targeted at attention deficit consumers. If you want to be informed these days you actually have to work for it.

  25. Mark Hoefert

    There was a 500+ comment thread over at Althouse during the speech. I thought this one by troll slayer Drago was the winner.

    Russia collusion hoaxers/Kavanaugh gang rape hoaxers/Fake dossier hoaxers/Ukraine phone call hoaxers declare Trump not being truthful!Discuss.

  26. Pat

    “If you want to be informed these days you actually have to work for it.”

    Merlin, what are your go to sources for you to make decisions?

  27. Mar

    Pat, I don’t know what I’d the best news outlet for news. That’s why I read many different newspapers and TV station news sites. Then I make up my mind about what is true and not true.

  28. Mar

    “Unadulterated news is not the point for Trump supporters, is it?”
    So says a person who supports racist view points.

  29. Pat

    “ I don’t know what I’d the best news outlet for news. That’s why I read many different newspapers and TV station news sites. Then I make up my mind about what is true and not true.”

    Me too!

  30. Merlin


    Any MSM outlet is good for letting you know that something happened, but that’s pretty much where they end. Professional/trade forums are awesome (and remarkably politic free) places to watch people with in-depth knowledge discuss a topic. No matter the subject there are geeks in their element who are knowledgeably talking about it. Some are easier to find than others but you can tell within minutes if they’re legit. Generally they have nothing to sell and know better than to bullshit their colleagues.

    A good recent example would be Kobe Bryant becoming part of a California hillside. It doesn’t matter where you heard that it happened, but if you want to know what the NTSB isn’t saying (yet) find a rotary flight forum of military/news/EMS/commercial helicopter pilots discussing the challenges of rotary flight in general and in particular the relative merits of SVFR scud running in the hills and valleys of southern California.

    Economics, trade, and science forums can get a bit highbrow, but even if you misunderstand something you’re still way ahead of what the MSM knows.




  31. Le Roi du Nord


    Don’t tell this to kevin, he’ll all evangelical on you, calling you marxist/socialist/fascist/godless.

    “Economics, trade, and science forums can get a bit highbrow, but even if you misunderstand something you’re still way ahead of what the MSM knows”.

  32. jjf

    Mar, go off on a tangent, sure, tell me which of my beliefs are racist.

    And/or tell us which news sources are best.

  33. Jason

    >go off on a tangent, sure

    Hey, he learned from the best…  like the time you responded to me asking me to start talking about panties.   You’re silly.

  34. Jason

    Leroy, I see you responded in this discussion later on today, but ignored my comments.  I’ll take that as a big affirmative of my closing supposition.   Was grams on her knees busy earning more opioids?


    >Lol, sorry if I used BIG WERDS for you.   Maybe go upstairs and ask Gramma to help you with them?


  35. Le Roi du Nord

    That’s right, j.  I ignore comments that are too childish, uninformed, and so truly ignorant as to warrant a response.  You qualified.

  36. Mar

    jjf, how come you dont like little brown, black or poor white children to get government assistance to attend private schools, both religious and non religious schools?

  37. Kevin Scheunemann

    I love how libs diverted off how awesome speech was and how poisonous the liberals were.

    Instead of watching it, they bitch through edited news clips and make debate about news source rather than the political home run Trump hit and how libs hung themselves with their own rope.

    Typical liberal denial. Trump is kicking butt!

  38. Jason

    Fixed that for you!


    That’s right, j.  I ignore comments that are too childish, uninformed, and so truly ignorant as to warrant a response. 

    Also I ignore comments that directly refute my previous statements, choosing to bury my head instead of growing as a person by truths and facts.

    You qualified.




  39. jjf

    Mar, you’re smart enough to know the game you’re playing here.  You’re claiming that vouchers help the poor and minorities, and therefore if I don’t support vouchers, I must hold racist beliefs.  But what if I simply oppose vouchers on the basis of not subsidizing religion with public dollars?

    So step up with the facts.  I think if you look at voucher recipients, most of them were already attending those private schools.  Most of the money goes to religious schools, and that money wasn’t going there before.  And there are plenty of – perhaps disproportionately – rich folks who are taking that subsidy.

    If you want to be truly anti-racist, then I’ll ask you to do something similar to what you’re asking me to do…  that you need to begin to recognize that some policies may claim to be even-handed and impartial, yet if you look at the results, you can see how they favor one over another.

    Again, I’ll ask you to question your motives and logic in the light of other common WisGOP arguments.  So what’s different about education?  Why shouldn’t those poor folk simply work harder to save the money to pay for the private education of their choice?  Why aren’t these government hand-outs a form of hammock instead of a trampoline?

  40. Mar

    jjf, you just focus on religious schools, and I actually understand your position, but it already has been ligated and it is constitutional for money to be used for government money to be used in religious schools. Get over it.
    Do you have a problem with using government money to send kids to non -religous schools?
    You say poor folks should save their money to send their kids to religious schools. Would you say the say thing about food stamos- hey, if the poor folks want to eat, they just need to save their money to buy a loaf of bread?
    Do you have a problem with government money going to the Salvation Army to provide money for the homeless? The Salvation Army is quite conservative in their religious views.
    Why don’t you want to give Brown and black kids have the opportunity to attend private schools of the parents choice?

  41. Jason

    jjflaccid is just gaslighting us with his myopic viewpoints which are as narrow and blinded and disgusting as a Shanghai back alley.

  42. Le Roi du Nord

    Ah yes, yet another unoriginal comment from j.

  43. jjf

    I can hope for the best.  The GOP has stacked the courts, they’re getting what they paid for.  Maybe in the future they’ll expand the Supreme C0urt, change the majority, and appoint new Justices with different views that’ll overturn past precedent.

    Our state Constitution says we provide a public education.  Yes, I don’t think tax dollars should be going to private education that’s not the same, that’s not vetted and held to the same standards as the public one.

    Again I’ll ask you to explain to me why it’s a reasonable use of tax dollars to subsidize the private choices for education, or for religious education.  Aren’t you discouraging people from working hard to save for what they really want?  If someone wants to attend a more expensive school, should we give them even more money?  Or is it just about propping up religious schools whose rolls were getting slim?

    Why does an agriculture subsidy not taint the incentives of a Midwestern heartland salt of the Earth honest farmer, but a food benefits card taints the incentives of an impoverished person?

    Yes, I do have qualms about the government hiring religious organizations to provide services where they still have the means, motive, and opportunity to proselytize.  If they’re hiring them to paint lampposts it’s a different story.  If they’re hiring them to host meals and they’re pressuring everyone to pray, that’s different.  And when this shoe is on the other foot, it’s the GOP who doesn’t want to fund PP at all, not even for simple health care, because some PP are providing abortions.

  44. jjf

    Jason!  Penis jokes!  A step up from Dad29’s panties!  Good for you!  Let the anger flow through you!  Before you know it, you too will be in the cornfield with Paul!

  45. Jason

    I must have hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, Dad?

  46. jjf

    Jason, how do you know so much about penises?

  47. Mar

    Le Roi, why are you ripping on jjf?

  48. Jason

    Did anyone see the video showing Pelosi pre-tearing the speech while Donald was still delivering it?   She’s so specious and full of shit she has to lie about something like that… “It was not planned it was spontaneous”.   Video proves her to be a sack of shit.

  49. Pat

    “Did anyone see the video showing Pelosi pre-tearing the speech while Donald was still delivering it?“

    Yes. So what. Get over it.

  50. Mar

    Pat,to be honest, I looked at the film supposedly showing pretty ripping the speech papers. I didnt see it, to be honest.
    So, she ripped it because she is not strong enough to rip the papers without a tear point?
    Kind of like those who tear telephone books in half, if those telephone books still exist

  51. Mar

    “The GOP has stacked the courts, they’re getting what they paid for”
    No, elections have consequences. Just like Obama got most of what he wanted.

  52. Jason

    >Yes. So what. Get over it.


    Good to hear.   I’m cheered to see that the truth is spreading.

  53. Pat

    “ I’m cheered to see that the truth is spreading.”

    So why are you whining about it. She ripped up a speech that was full of misstatements. I’d expect no less from anyone who would be insulted by the liar in chief.

  54. dad29

    And there are plenty of – perhaps disproportionately – rich folks who are taking that subsidy.

    You can prove that, of course, Hamilton?  The program has income limits which don’t appear to include “the rich,” but I’m sure you will define the term in the classic Socialist manner:  anyone who earns one dollar more than Jiffy.

  55. Jason

    If I’m “whining about it” then you’re “defending it” and that makes you a loser.   Nah nah!  Pat’s a Loser!

  56. Mar

    Pat, I dont recall any GOP head of the House ripping up Obama’s speech. And he lied worse than President Trump.

  57. Mar

    jjf,I worked at a Salvation Army homeless shelter for a couple of years in Wausau. They received government money to help the shelter. They never required anyone to go to church. So, you really dont know what you are taking about.
    The same with school choice and religious schools.
    You really dont have a clue. Most dont require non believing kids go to church. And if they required it, the parent would be informed.
    Face it, you just dont want little brown and black kids mingling with richer white kids.

  58. MjM

    Patsy lies: ” … a speech that was full of misstatements.”

    Please quote for us the “misstatements”.

  59. MjM

    She told a closed-door meeting of her rank and file that she felt “very liberated” by her act, which was spontaneous, according to a Democratic aide in the room.

  60. Pat


    What, too lazy to fact check for yourself?

  61. Pat

    Major Moron,

    You too lazy to fact check?

  62. MjM

    You too lazy to prove your false accusation, Patsy?

  63. Mar

    Yeah, Idiot Pat, I checked, no GOP Speaker of the House never ripped up a speech by a Democrat president.

  64. Pat


    I don’t need to prove anything that is already a fact.

  65. Pat

    So what. Get over it!

  66. MjM

    The only thing proven, Patsy, is that you remain the spineless pathetic liar you have so often shown yourself to be.

  67. Pat

    Yah Moron, and a prick like you who can prove that U’ve lies.

  68. Mar

    Pat, are your panties on too tight tonight?

  69. Merlin

    Wait while I get a beer. Carry on.

  70. jjf

    Sure, Dad29, jump on one point, ignore the rest of Hamilton’s rap.  But you’re not gonna miss your shot, are you?  Come on, I thought this was a musical theater blog!

    Spending keep climbing, as a late 2019 story put it, “In all, Wisconsin taxpayers will spend $349.6 million on vouchers for 43,450 students enrolled in its three Parental Choice and Special Needs Scholarship programs this year. That’s up from $302 million for 40,039 students last year.”

    Does it really save money?  WASB rep says “When aid is deducted from schools to pay for the vouchers, the district has the choice of accepting that loss and cutting programs and staff, or raising property taxes,” he said.”

    Then there’s the “neo-vouchers” of the private school tax break handed out by the WisGOP, as one story put it, “tax filers making more than $100,000 a year are claiming two-thirds of a private school tuition tax cut enacted four years ago, according to data from the Department of Revenue. The tax cut is costing the state about $12 million a year, far less than the $30 million projected when it was slipped into the 2013-15 state budget.”

    As for whether $100,000 earners are “wealthy” I’d rephrase it as saying they’re not the poors y’all are talking about helping with the other side of your mouth.

    What about all those poors and non-poors in rural Wisconsin where there are no alternatives to the public schools?  Why is “choice” for the suburbs?

    So Dad29, you have a source you’d trust that shows whether non-poors are using vouchers?  You say they’re not?

  71. Pat

    “Pat, are your panties on too tight tonight?”

    No, your wife says the fit is perfect.

  72. dad29

    WASB rep says “When aid is deducted from schools to pay for the vouchers, the district has the choice of accepting that loss and cutting programs and staff, or raising property taxes,” he said.”

    Or cutting spending.  Funny he didn’t mention that.

    Parental Choice <b>and Special Needs Scholarship</b>

    Nice try.  How much for each, and what do you have against special needs kids, Jiffy?

    “tax filers making more than $100,000 a year are claiming two-thirds of a private school tuition tax cut enacted four years ago

    First of all, a tax credit is NOT the same as a School Choice voucher.  But I know you have no interest in all that ‘truth stuff.’  Secondly, Common Sense tells us that the larger the income, the larger the tax credit.  (And that credit DOES have a cap, Jiffy–another item you failed to mention.)

    Too bad Common Sense is not a property owned by Lefties.  You might actually be persuasive if you had some.

  73. jjf

    Yup, that’s why I called them “neo-vouchers.”  You know, air quotes.  Kind of like Using Capital Letters to mean something Significant.

    So why did all those private school families need an extra tax credit?

    Yeah, I expected you wouldn’t like anything from WASB.  And it’s extra special that you re-quoted my quote where he explicitly mentions cutting spending, and that you think he didn’t mention they could cut spending.

    But let’s just focus on per-capita rounded ideas of what it costs to run a school district, and pay no attention to the costs that aren’t so easily divided and reallocated.  We’ll just leave the public schools to juggle that, and blame them when they raise taxes or want a referendum.

  74. Mark Hoefert

    @ John Foust

    What about all those poors and non-poors in rural Wisconsin where there are no alternatives to the public schools?  Why is “choice” for the suburbs?

    Ask the people in Mattoon, Wi (small town < 500 population) about alternatives to public schools in a rural area. Something the public education establishment will not allow to happen.

    I hope you find the source satisfactory  – Wisconsin Public Radio.

    Now, the building that was Mattoon Elementary School sits vacant and unused. And during the school year, children from the village of about 418 people are bused to Antigo, some 45 minutes away.

    Riemer has plans to turn the school into a community center and a Christian private school.

    …….. he and his village are locked in a bitter court battle with the Antigo school district over who owns the building and what it might become.


  75. Mar

    Wow,Pat, you must have the ability to speak to the dead. What a talent.

  76. jjf

    Mark – interesting anecdote.  Sounds like some religious folks would like a sweet deal on property built and maintained by the public.

  77. Pat

    “ Wow,Pat, you must have the ability to speak to the dead. What a talent.”

    Yes it is!

  78. Jason

    >Sounds like some religious folks would like a sweet deal on property built and maintained by the public.


    That’s your take away from the article?   You are the simplest of simpletons.   So what did Antigo pay for the property that was built and maintained by the public?   You know, the vacant, empty building that no-one is using and the entity that thought it was in control of the empty building built by the public was will to sell for $1?    Is that good stewardship of an empty building built by the public, in your dumble opinion?

  79. Mark Hoefert

    Mark – interesting anecdote.  Sounds like some religious folks would like a sweet deal on property built and maintained by the public.

    I would classify it as a documented example of why one rural area does not have the private school that the community wants, but whatever gets you off, fine. I will look back to see if any of your prior comments are based on facts, or just opinions that you have conjured up.

    Yes, perhaps the public that owns it would like to see it used for something useful. I doubt that any maintenance is going on. From the article: In some places, vacated school buildings have been turned into senior housing or technical education centers. In others, old schools are left to decay.

    This might be in the “left to decay” category. Or else Antigo is OK with diverting educational dollars to an unused facility. That is the power of public education – it’s other people’s money, again, whatever gets you off.

    Then there is this: “Antigo officials agreed to sell the building to the village of Mattoon for $1. The village, in turn, would sell it to Shepherd’s Watch. But Antigo insisted on a restriction: The community center and nonprofit plans were fine, but under no circumstances could the building be used as a school.”

    Obviously no one in the private sector has come up with an offer of more than $1.

  80. jjf

    Mark, yes, I read the article you provided.  I saw the controversy about the deed.  That no doubt complicates the issue.  Yes, I don’t like the idea in general that the government can build and maintain a building for public use, and then it gets turned over to a private entity for a song.  I’ve been in several old schools that have been converted to apartments, for example.  I can see why that might happen sometimes, particularly in economically depressed areas.  I can see why some people think it’s a good thing.  To me, it’s a symptom of a large problem.

    And thank you for being more civil than Jason!  I appreciate it.

  81. Jason

    >And thank you for being more civil than Jason!  I appreciate it.

    If I had to guess, Mark is or has taught special education, and so is far more patient with you out of habit.

    That or I’ve just seen you shit out your thoughtless drivel so often now, there’s no doubt that any logic or reason is just offending noise to your simple brain.  But go ahead keep bringing up State Law when it suits your need while completely ignoring it when it doesn’t.  That’s not hypocritical at all.

  82. Mark Hoefert

    @ jjf

    On second thought, I am a bit skeptical of the deed issue, after delving into the Palmyra/Eagle dissolution issue.  From what I could tell from that, when a school district is absorbed into another, the district that does the absorbing acquires all assets and liabilities, as well as the obligation to educate those students and provide facilities.  I would characterize this as a “cloudy title” issue.

  83. jjf

    Mark, that would make sense.

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