Boots & Sabers

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1312, 10 Jan 20

Evers Welcomes McIver

Hmmmm… curious. This appears to be yet another case of Evers and his staff being on different pages – with the staff’s view being reality. Who’s really running the show over there?

MADISON, Wis. (Jan. 10, 2020) – The MacIver News Service sued Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers in August 2019 for barring its reporters from a press briefing and purposefully withholding press notifications from the journalists. Since then, Evers’ attorneys have defended their restrictions on the MacIver reporters in court.

But in an interview that aired on FOX 11 this past Sunday, January 5, Gov. Evers made statements about the lawsuit that run contrary to the arguments being made by his own attorneys in the case. In the interview, Evers suggests that the MacIver journalists have as much access as other statehouse journalists and that the governor desires no restrictions on them or any other journalists.

In response to the interview, Liberty Justice Center attorney Daniel Suhr sent a letter to Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul highlighting the inconsistencies between the governor’s public statements and his legal defense, and encouraged the governor’s team to adopt into practice the openness to press that Evers conveyed in the FOX 11 interview.


1312, 10 January 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann


    At least get your corrupt liberal double standards straight.

    McIver is maybe the best news organization in WI!

  2. dad29

    Apparently Maggie Gau was on vacation.

  3. steveegg

    More-likely explanation – Evers is clueless (and classless), and expects everybody else is just as clueless.

  4. Mike

    The Bill of rights is about individual rights. The right to a free press is not a right of the corporate press, it is the right of every individual to write and publish their thoughts.

    In this modern age Evers could stream his press briefings on the web and be totally inclusive.

  5. dad29

    The right to a free press is not a right of the corporate press, it is the right of every individual to write and publish their thoughts.

    I’m sure you can provide a cite or two affirming your declaration here.  We’ll wait.

  6. dad29

    Evers is clueless

    Tru dat.  The (former) top dog of the Education Establishment, too.

    That tells you a lot about Education…..

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