Boots & Sabers

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2120, 28 Dec 19

School District Encourages Student Activism

I have a novel idea… how ’bout the schools actually use their time to educate kids?

FALLS CHURCH, Va. — One of the largest school districts in the United States has announced that it will allow students one excused absence per school year to participate civic activities such as protests.

Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia plans to start allowing the absences Jan. 27, 2020, news outlets reported. The district is the largest school system in the state.

Students in seventh through 12th grades can use the day for “civic engagement activities” such as attending marches or meeting with lawmakers, according to district spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell.

The new policy was introduced by Fairfax School Board member Ryan McElveen, according to The Washington Post. He says the rule may be the first of its kind in the U.S.

“I think we’re setting the stage for the rest of the nation with this,” McElveen said. “It’s a dawning of a new day in student activism, and school systems everywhere are going to have to be responsive to it.”


2120, 28 December 2019


  1. MjM

    Can’t wait for school-sanctioned student NRA meeting attendance and protests against abortion. Gonna be great!

  2. Mar

    What if a kid takes part in a KKK rally? I guess that would be ok.
    Another example where liberals think in theory but don’t think in real world consequences.

  3. Mike

    Why not? Greta figured out how to slip school full time and be cheered for it.

    Looks like they are using Idiocracy as an instruction manual.

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