Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1426, 01 Oct 19

Madison Mayor Prioritizes Rapid Transit over Safety

Budgets are a statement of priorities. It’s pretty clear what her’s are.

Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway is looking to impose an additional $40 vehicle registration fee on Madison drivers to get the motor running on an approximately $130 million Bus Rapid Transit proposal that was a main plank of her spring campaign.

The first-term mayor’s first city operating budget proposal, released Tuesday and totaling $340.4 million, also keeps police staffing flat — a move that former police chief Mike Koval said in July will necessitate moving 12 positions from units focusing on neighborhood policing, gangs and other proactive work to patrol. Koval had long complained of inadequate police staffing. He retired Sunday with one day’s notice.


1426, 01 October 2019


  1. Jason

    So the number one cop hater that beat the poor guy up is the Mayor.  What a surprise.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals are crickets on this.

    Tired of seeing good cops driven out by lawless liberals.

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