Boots & Sabers

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2133, 11 Sep 19

“overall shortages of economically attractive partners”

So if I’m reading this correctly, women who want a financially secure man are not feminist enough?

I hope you feminists are happy! You’ve finally gone and done it. You’ve throttled the supply of high-earning husbands, and now there are severe mismatches in the marriage market. Yes, I regret to report that a study in the Journal of Marriage and Family (there truly is a journal for everything) has found that unmarried American women “face overall shortages of economically attractive partners”. Women are looking for husbands with an income 58% higher than those of the available men.


I hate to say this, but Limbaugh does have a very tiny point. I’m struck by how many empowered women regress to the 1950s when it comes to marriage. They fight for equality at work, but still have traditional expectations when it comes to men proposing with expensive diamond rings. And the idea that marrying a rich dude is something one should aspire to is still very much entrenched in society. The rise of “economically unattractive” men isn’t just bad news for guys – it reflects poorly on us all.


2133, 11 September 2019

1 Comment

  1. Mar

    I guess love means nothing to these women.
    If the first question is, how much do you make, run for the hills guys. She’s not worth dating, much less marrying.

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