Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2047, 12 Jul 19

Mob Kills Carjacker

I agree with the police, but it’s hare to find much sympathy for the carjacker.

(CNN)In an apparent act of mob justice, a man was beaten to death after he tried to steal a car with three children inside, Philadelphia police said.

Erik Hood, 54, drove off with the car while the children’s mother and father were in a store Thursday night, police said. The parents chased down the vehicle on foot and pulled the carjacker out of the car when he got caught in traffic, police said.
Hood assaulted the father and fled, but a large crowd stopped Hood and beat him, police said. He was pronounced dead at Temple University Hospital, police said.
“I’m not a fan of street justice,” Philadelphia Police Capt. Jason Smith said at a press conference Friday. “I think everything should play out through us as it comes to criminal actions.”
Police have video footage of the encounter and are trying to identify the people who assaulted Hood, Smith said. No arrests have been made, he said.

2047, 12 July 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    The mob did perfom a public service.

    I’d charge them with something, to give them 3-6 months with work release and 5 years probation.

  2. Mar

    I don’t think the cops are looking very hard for these heroes.

  3. dad29

    The DA cannot prosecute for ‘murder’ because it is impossible to tell which person dealt the fatal blow; and even more difficult to prove intent.  Maybe “mayhem” or “battery,” but they’re not substitutes for ‘murder’ or even ‘manslaughter.’

    One possible good result:  carjackers may think twice.  (OTOH, they’re carjackers, so not renowned for intellectual horsepower.)


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