Boots & Sabers

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2034, 12 Jul 19

Madison Slaps Down on Catholic High School

Wow. Way to use a BS technicality to hassle a Catholic High School, Madison.

Edgewood High School was evaluating its options, including possible legal action, a day after Madison’s Zoning Board of Appeals decided the school’s athletic teams can no longer do something they have been doing for more than 90 years: Play games on the school’s athletic field.

School President Michael Elliott said Edgewood officials are “incredibly disappointed” after the board voted 4-0 late Thursday to affirm that the school’s master plan allows for only physical-education classes and practices — but not games or matches against other schools — at the school’s Goodman Athletic Complex.


Thursday’s decision hinged on wording in the school’s 2014 master plan that describes the intended use of the field as being for athletic practices and gym classes — without mentioning competitions.

Tucker said that within the plan, the school is required to explain the intended use of any space. Any uses that are not covered need additional approval from the city’s Plan Commission. Since competitions are not specified in the plan, Tucker said, the school needs to go through this approval process.

But Edgewood attorney Matt Lee and two other attorneys arguing on Edgewood’s behalf said there are other areas of the master plan that explain the space was meant for competitions.

In UW-Madison’s master plan, Lee said, the Natatorium and Goodman Softball Complex are both zoned recreational. He said the facilities host swim meets and competitive softball games, respectively.

Lee also noted that “classes and practices” was not meant to be an exhaustive list of all activities on the field.

Board members disagreed.

2034, 12 July 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberal nonsense.

    I’d call it a deep seeded liberal hate of Christians.

    I can’t wait to see our local liberal contributors denounce this ridiculous action.

  2. jjf

    You must hate the rule of law, Kevin.

  3. Le Roi du Nord


    Where in the article did it mention that the decision was based on hate? Or christians?  Or did you just make that all up?

    Sounds like they needed a conditional use permit and failed the test.  Do you have zoning rules in Kewaskum?  If so, do you intentionally ignore them based on religion?

  4. Mar

    Atletic fields. What do you do on thletic fields? Practice and compete. And they have been doing it for 90 years.
    Yes it is hate. Since this is Madison, you can’t swing a dead cat and not hit a liberal.
    This is clearly a case in NIMBY and the liberal hate shut down an atletic fields used for 90 years for competition.
    And I am sure those girl soccer games really get loud and rowdy.

  5. Kevin Scheunemann


    Why doesn’t the “rule of law” shut down the godless schools for exact same “infraction”?

  6. Kevin Scheunemann


    In Kewaskum we have “grandfathering”. Nearly all the zoning code did not exist prior to 70s and 80s in Kewaskum.

    If something had a prior nonconforming use to implementation property owner is allowed to maintain nonconforming use.

    100% sure that is case here. Only a total liberal jerk would do this and support this.

    I am not surprised by liberal reaction.

    This is why liberals are ashamed of who they are and what the consequence of their insanity is in reality.

    Let’s just admit this was pure liberal hate of Christians….

    Unless you want to continue to be dishonest about nonconforming use in zoning.

  7. Le Roi du Nord


    Take a look at the articles in the Cap Times and WSJ.  It seems that, as pointed out, there is a lot more involved than a prior non-conforming use.  But don’t let the details stand in the way of your outrage.  And how you implement (or don’t) your zoning ordinances really doesn’t have much bearing on how Madison handles theirs.  It appears that the applicant is appealing the decision as they have a right to do, so why not save all the ill-informed opinion until the process is completed?

    And could you point out where in the decision “hate” and “christians” were used as rationale for denial?   Or are you just making that all up to bolster your factually challenged  argument?

    I have been involved with local planning and boards of adjustment for years.  Calling me dishonest about non-conforming use is a sure loser for you.  Your arrogance is exceeded only by your willful ignorance.

  8. Kevin Scheunemann

    Of course those liberal filthy rags are not going to report on nonconforming use.

    After 90 years of inaction, government waives any right to enforce BS, made up, regulation.

    Your defense of this decision says a lot about your hate of Christians, hate of property rights, hate of fairness, and hate of common sense.

    Stop the hate.

  9. dad29

    there is a lot more involved than a prior non-conforming use.

    Such as?

    You don’t have to quote the entire CapTim article; just a couple of useful snippets will suffice.

  10. Le Roi du Nord

    Since you guys (assuming dud is a guy) are too lazy to do your own homework…, “The notices came after zoning administrator Matt Tucker said the school’s master plan prohibits the school from hosting competitions on the field”.


    Did you even think before you posted the last one?  That makes no sense, even for you.

  11. Kevin Scheunemann


    Where did the zoning administrator get a copy of the schools 90 year old “master plan”? Does he not have better things to do? That is a sign of pettiness and hate.

    So we are not talking about violation of zoning at all….but a twisted bureaucratic interpretation of the school’s master plan.

    Let the school decide whether completions are part of field’s plan. The piece of land function’s no different, with, or without games on the field.

    I am shocked, but not really, that you defend the hate here.

    I expected better from you.

  12. Mike


    And could you point out where in the decision “hate” and “christians” were used as rationale for denial?   Or are you just making that all up to bolster your factually challenged  argument?

    The SCOTUS decision on the citizenship census question said the question was legal to ask, and that the stated reason for asking was good, but that they felt there was an unstated reason the admin wanted to ask the question. Liberal hate of Christians looks a lot like a similar “unstated reason” here.


  13. Mike

    “The notices came after zoning administrator Matt Tucker said the school’s master plan prohibits the school from hosting competitions on the field”.

    Further down the article:

    Thursday’s decision hinged on wording in the school’s 2014 master plan that describes the intended use of the field as being for athletic practices and gym classes — without mentioning competitions.

    Tucker said that within the plan, the school is required to explain the intended use of any space. Any uses that are not covered need additional approval from the city’s Plan Commission. Since competitions are not specified in the plan, Tucker said, the school needs to go through this approval process.

    It sounds like Tucker is trying to justify their decision with some disingenuous words. The plan does not prohibit competitions, it just does not specifically mention them. The article also points out that other educational institutions host competitions on land zoned recreational, as this is.

  14. Kevin Scheunemann


    Yeah, so what?


  15. dad29

    It sounds like Tucker is trying to justify their decision with some disingenuous words.

    It also looks like LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoyyyyyyy takes lessons from Tucker.

    Since there are no other factors that LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoyyyyyyyyyy found, Kevin is correct:  it’s an administrative harassment of a religious institution designed to cost time and money.

    At least the KKK came out and killed the Catholics they didn’t like.  It was more honest that way.

  16. jjf

    Sorry, Kevin, I know you’re sensitive to facts.  You can ignore the view.

  17. Le Roi du Nord

    k:”Where did the zoning administrator get a copy of the schools 90 year old “master plan”?”

    From the article (and a big shout out to Mike for doing k’s homework for him), “Thursday’s decision hinged on wording in the school’s 2014 master plan that describes the intended use of the field as being for athletic practices and gym classes — without mentioning competitions.”.

    How can you turn a 5 year old master plan into a 90 year old master plan??  Use kevins math and a liberal dose of knee-jerk fact-free nonsense, that’s how!!

    So, dud, looks like you are toooooo laaaaaazy to read what what put before you. Or can’t you read the written word?

    And none of you have made even a feeble attempt to prove that religion and/or hate had anything to do with the decision.  What small little lives you lead…

  18. Kevin Scheunemann


    I see a longtime field next to a row of houses. No big deal.

  19. Kevin Scheunemann


    A 90 year old grandfathered field is not overridden by a,twisted, evil bureaucratic stretch of an interpretation.

    The fact you stand with the evil bureaucrat interpretation speaks volumes about you, your war on property rights and hate of Cheistians.

    Awful. Just awful.

  20. Kevin Scheunemann


  21. Le Roi du Nord


    I don’t stand with anything of the sort.  I’ll leave that to you. You have made the claim that this decision was hateful, anti-christian, and evil.  Yet you have done absolutely nothing to prove that claim except blame others.  Until you can do that the perception here is that you are making it all up.


  22. dad29

    We note that LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoyyyyyyyyyyy will not contradict what this poster stated; he prefers to troll Kevin–who said the same thing.

    He’s a joke.

  23. Kevin Scheunemann


    Depriving someone of basic property rights without a legitimate reason is not evil?

  24. Le Roi du Nord


    Did you read (can you?) anything about what lead up to the decision?  There was nothing that referenced hate, christian (anti- or otherwise), evil, or taking or property rights.  What is apparent is that the applicant, in their master plan, didn’t mention use of the field for competition, “Tucker said that within the plan, the school is required to explain the intended use of any space. Any uses that are not covered need additional approval from the city’s Plan Commission. Since competitions are not specified in the plan, Tucker said, the school needs to go through this approval process”.

    I don’t have a copy of the Madison ordinance, and I am sure that you don’t, so it looks like the decision was based on the application supplied by the school.  In under the ordinance in our municipality, and county, the applicant has to included the intended use.  If the school screwed up the application, or tried to hide something, that’s on them.  There is an appeal process that will no doubt be used, so why don’t you wait and see how this turns out before you stroke out blaming everybody else.

    Based on a multitude of comments you have made on a multitude of subject areas it is apparent that the rule of law only applies where YOU think it should and need not apply evenly or consistently.

  25. jjf

    Le Roi, so after the school follows the process in the rule of law, they very well may be able to use their field, and the folks here will have been energized by the suggestion that they were oppressed Christians whose prayers have now been answered, so a win-win all around.

    Having been to a number of high school sports events at Madison West, yes, you’re parking in residential areas.  Why shouldn’t the neighbors have a say in how that’s arranged?

  26. MHMaley

    A quick aside :

    I wonder how many of the folks on this board ever actually played a varsity sport on a High school athletic field .

    Watching doesn’t count .

    I see most as debate club presidents , Tuba players and yearbook editors .

    Nothing wrong with that but it also ways seems the bad asses behind their computer boards were candy asses in a previous life .

  27. Le Roi du Nord

    Football and baseball.    Coached HS baseball for years.

  28. dad29

    Oooooh!!  Maley plays his Manhood Card!!  Should we send a notice to Mayor Pete?

  29. Kevin Scheunemann


    And the rational among us agree that is an absurd bureaucratic interpretation of a 90 year old competitive field.

    It is simple hate.

    Just asking you to stop the hate, but you continue the hate.

  30. Le Roi du Nord


    Then perhaps you should run for the Madison city council and get that ordinance changed and fire all the staff, then place yourself in charge.  Until then you really don’t have much to say about the matter.

    BTW, hate was never mentioned in the decision.  You made that up. And I don’t hate anyone.  I feel sorry for you, but I don’t hate you.

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