Boots & Sabers

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2114, 01 Jul 19

Planned Parenthood Owns Wisconsin Democrats

And they are getting a good return for their money.

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, which provides reproductive and other health care services and education, has spent more than $3.4 million on lobbying and electioneering activities in Wisconsin elections.


Since 2010, the group has used independent expenditure committees to sponsor more than $2.7 million in electioneering activities in Wisconsin elections. Most recently, Planned Parenthood spent $704,000 on spring, fall, and special elections in 2018 and 2019, including:

$220,230 to help elect Evers and his running mate Mandela Barnes

$182,147 to help elect Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul

$123,695 to support Appeals Judge Lisa Neubauer, who lost to Appeals Judge Brian Hagedorn in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race.

The group’s electioneering activities involved door-to-door canvassing, mailings, robocalls, and online advertising.

In addition to outside electioneering, Planned Parenthood employees and PACs made about $107,900 in individual and PAC contributions – all to Democrats – between January 2010 and December 2018.


2114, 01 July 2019


  1. dad29

    Killing babies is profitable!

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Serial baby killer advocates is what Democrat party has become.

  3. Mar

    Couldn’t that money be used to help women?

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