Boots & Sabers

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2038, 24 Jun 19

Assembly to Vote on Budget Tomorrow

Just vote NO.

MADISON (CBS 58) — The state assembly is set to vote on Wisconsin’s next budget this Tuesday. However, lawmakers on both sides will have to compromise before it’s passed.

University of Milwaukee political science professor Mordecai Lee said that’s the challenging part. “The Republican Legislature and the Democratic Governor are barely talking to each other.”

Two GOP lawmakers have threatened to vote against the $81-billion proposal drafted by their party. If one more Republican senator vows to vote against it, the budget won’t pass.

Those senators say there’s too much spending. “Overall the spending has just taken over. It is less than Tony Evers’ budget, however, Tony Evers’ budget was astronomically expensive,” said Sen. Stephen Nass.


2038, 24 June 2019


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