Boots & Sabers

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0817, 01 May 19

Court Reinstates Appointees Who Were Illegally Ousted by Evers


The 4-3 order handed down on Tuesday by the court’s conservative majority wasn’t the final say in the lame-duck lawsuit brought by the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. But the court found that all of the former Gov. Scott Walker appointees – including those whose appointments that were rescinded by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers – can return to work while the appeal of the case proceeds.

“As we are only at the early stage of this appeal and in the context of a motion for temporary relief pending appeal, we express no position as to whether or not any of the Legislature’s arguments will ultimately prevail,” the court wrote. “We cannot say, however, that the Legislature’s arguments have ‘no likelihood of success on the merits,’ as the circuit court did.”


0817, 01 May 2019


  1. Mar

    Elections have consequences.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Rarely do I like a good court smack down, but I like this one.

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