Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2032, 08 Apr 19

Praise from within at Sacking of Secret Service Chief


The ouster of Secret Service Director Randolph D. ‘Tex” Alles on Monday was not unexpected, and, in fact, was welcomed by most members of the law enforcement agency, sources tell

‘The sentiment at the agency is “good riddance,”‘ they say.

‘Alles seemed more interested in making friends with agents than fixing the problems that plague the once-proud agency,’ according to agency sources. ‘He proved to be the exact opposite of what was needed to reform the agency. ‘

His idea for trimming costs was to get rid of protection for members of the Trump family.

Nothing changed within the Secret Service since the party-crashing Salahis went prancing into the White House State Dinner back in 2009, or since the Secret Service prostitution scandal in 2012 or since Omar Gonzalez was able to penetrate his way into the White House with a knife before being apprehended in 2014.

The change comes on the heels of an embarrassing episode at Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago resort club in Palm Beach, Florida, involving a Chinese national on a club guest list who was arrested with devices bearing computer malware.


2032, 08 April 2019


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