Boots & Sabers

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1032, 25 Mar 19

Evers Rescinds Walker Appointments

Evers is moving quickly to take advantage of a rogue judge’s ruling.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers on Friday rescinded 82 of former Gov. Scott Walker’s appointees who were approved in the controversial December 2018 lame-duck session, after a judge ruled on Thursday that the actions taken during the session were unconstitutional.

“These seats are now considered vacant, but we are committed to working as quickly as possible to fill them and minimize the disruption to the important work done by these boards, committees and councils,” said Evers spokeswoman Melissa Baldauff in an email.


1032, 25 March 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Evers is vindictive.

    Liberal hate should not be tolerated from the Governor’s chair.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    Well, maybe Evers is just following the lead of “stick it to ’em” Thompson, and “divide and conquer” walker.

  3. dad29

    No, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy, 49% Tony is vindictive.  Neither the law nor the Constitution is on his side, so he’s trying to do as much damage as possible before being told to sit down and STFU.

    This will not be helpful when 49% Tony tries to negotiate budget.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann


    If you think for a minute I will defend Tommy Thompson, you are mistaken.

    Next to Walker, he was a Rino Republican.

  5. MHMaley

    Mr Evers won a state wide election and expects no actual negotiation from the Republicans .

    They will say no to everything he proposes and we’ll see what happens in the next election .

  6. Le Roi du Nord

    dud:    And 48% walker is also vindictive, as are his minions under the dome, as evidenced by the lame duck laws.  Which are rapidly costing the taxpayers a bunch of money to defend, and ultimately will be an exercise in expensive futility.


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