Boots & Sabers

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2152, 13 Feb 19

Evers Promises Another Spending Increase

Boy, they sure are adding up. So far, Evers hasn’t met a spending increase he doesn’t like.

Democratic Gov. Tony Evers said he will “fully fund” a tuition freeze for University of Wisconsin students in his first budget.

Former Republican Gov. Scott Walker and GOP lawmakers first froze tuition for in-state undergraduate students in 2013. They continued the freeze in every budget since.

Speaking at the annual Superior Days gathering in Madison, Evers hinted that he would propose a tuition freeze of his own.

“We will be releasing our budget soon and we will be funding the tuition freeze,” Evers said. “We will be sure that all the campuses across the state are thriving.”


2152, 13 February 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals do what liberals do, destroy all the good work Walker did.

    Evers is awful, just awful.

  2. MjM

    Each of the schools raising tuition provided brief written synopses to regents justifying the increases. They cited rising cost of…  faculty compensation…”

    Stealing from the poor to pay the rich.

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