Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0854, 02 Jan 19

“Why don’t you die!!”

I can relate.

A man with a “serious fear” of spiders prompted an emergency call by Western Australia police on New Years’ Day.

According to police, a passerby raised the alarm after hearing a “screaming” toddler and a man repeatedly shouting “Why don’t you die?”

But after arriving at a home in suburban Perth, they found the man had merely been trying to kill a spider.

In a tweet, police said there had been no injuries during the incident – “except to spider.”

“It’s just one of those jobs where you go expecting to see one thing and see another,” police spokesman Samuel Dinnison told the BBC.

“It’s great that it’s only an incident involving a spider.”


0854, 02 January 2019


  1. dad29

    Good thing they didn’t shoot first, eh?

  2. jjf

    What would Jesus do and say, Dad29?

  3. Paul

    Why do you care, Foust? It’s not like you believe in him anyway.

  4. jjf

    I believe in you, Paul.

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