Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0703, 28 Dec 18

Evers to Appoint DPI Chief

Whatever. Elections are for suckers.

Gov.-elect Tony Evers plans to appoint Carolyn Stanford Taylor as state superintendent, his Department of Public Instruction announced Thursday.

Stanford Taylor, who currently oversees DPI’s Special Education Team, will officially be appointed on Jan. 7 after Evers is sworn in as guv, per the announcement.

Evers had the option to call a special election to fill the seat. But by making the appointment, Taylor will fill out the remainder of Evers’ term, which ends in April 2021. DPI noted that option was last exercised after Superintendent Herbert Grover resigned in 1993 and then-Gov. Tommy Thompson appointed former Gov. Lee Dreyfus to lead the agency.


0703, 28 December 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberal hypocrites.

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    How so?

  3. jjf

    It’s just a form of Tourette, Roi.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    You hypocite liberals:   How easily you forget!

    Linberals were just ripping Walker for “preventing VOTERS from filling vacancies just a few months ago!   (Both Owen and myself did criticize Walker for this).

    Here, Evers is preventing voters from filling vacancies and you say nothing!


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