Boots & Sabers

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2238, 27 Nov 18

Clintons Begin Speaking Tour

You know, there was a time when it would have been considered unbecoming for an ex-president to attack the current president from a foreign nation. It was considered that because it was… and is.

Bill and Hillary Clinton launched their 13-city paid speaking tour in a Canadian hockey arena Tuesday evening, where there were banks of empty seats and the power couple accused President Trump of joining a Saudi ‘cover-up.’

The Clintons riffed on issues ranging form the U.S. elections to the Iran deal, the killing of Osama bin Laden, and the murder of Saudi dissident Khashoggi, and got a warm reception from the crowd as they jabbed at the Trump administration from north of the border.


Organizers blocked off the upper deck of seats. Officials said the Clintons sold about 3,300 seats in a venue that can hold about 19,000 for a big hockey game when the Maple Leafs play.


2238, 27 November 2018


  1. Merlin

    Their decades of influence peddling surely netted them enough cash that they shouldn’t need to work as upscale paid protestors.

  2. Pat

    It would be great if Clintons would just fade-away. But I suppose in this day and age of Trumpism, a reset of past decorum, in regards to expectations for Presidential behavior, has changed to “punching back” at both perceived and unperceived attacks. Any one surprised by this is naive. It’s now mainstream behavior for both right and left.

  3. jjf

    “Unbecoming.”  You mean like conduct unbecoming of a sitting President?

  4. MjM

    I’d rather run full speed into a saguaro cactus than listen to those two slime buckets.  Both of them should be wearing orange.

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