Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0644, 06 Nov 18

Governing is harder with diverse opinions

My column is in the Washington County Daily News today. First, go vote. Second, tomorrow we have to start governing again. Here’s a taste.

When it comes to the economy, as with most things, the best government is the least government. As the state’s politicians enter the new year, they must not act to disrupt the economic policies that are working by introducing higher taxes, more regulations, or fostering an adversarial relationship with businesses. Instead, they should focus on the economic issues that need addressing, like attracting more workers to move to Wisconsin.

Most of all, as Wisconsin’s freshly elected politicians settle into their jobs, they must remember that not every problem requires a government solution. Most of the time, the best solution is for government to get out of the way.


0644, 06 November 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann


  2. Le Roi du Nord

    “When it comes to the economy, as with most things, the best government is the least government”.

    “Most of all, as Wisconsin’s freshly elected politicians settle into their jobs, they must remember that not every problem requires a government solution”.

    Yet you folks think Foxconn is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  It’s hard to get a handle on modern day “conservatives”.

  3. Merlin

    Anybody else noticed that Kevin Nicholson has been cutting support ads for Vukmir? Just something to keep in mind for those of us who gave the recently converted Nicholson a severe sideways squint during the primary battle. I haven’t yet tried to track his primary benefactor’s contributions since the primary, but it’s worth noting that Nicholson himself has made at least a superficial effort to be a team player.

  4. dad29

    I’ll go with “superficial.”  One ad, running for 7 days (max.)

    Better than nothing, which is what Uihlein spent for the first 60 days of this campaign.

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