Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0934, 17 Oct 18

Recruitment Issues

Here’s a stunning, if not surprising, bit of data in the Washington County Daily News:

According to a news release, 71 percent of the nation’s youth are ineligible for military service. The most common reasons for exclusion are obesity, drug use, low aptitude and physical and/or mental health issues. Muth said obesity is the “largest disqualifier” at about 31 percent.

On the other hand, I would question the need for physical fitness for many jobs. In an era where many military jobs – even combat roles -involve sitting at a computer, who cares how many sit-ups the person can do? Cyberwarfare is probably fought best by the Cheetos-eating basement-dwellers.


0934, 17 October 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    “Cheetoes-eating basement dwellers”, do you no how many liberal groups you offended by fat shaming?

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Merlin

    I’d like to see the stats on how many of the little chubbies that are allowed to enlist spend time in the remedial PT platoons in basic. I did not know there was such a thing until a cousin’s youngest daughter recently enlisted in the Army. She managed to spent time in remedial during each phase, but still managed to “graduate”.  All of it chronicled on Facebook.

    And here’s another thing that surprised me…  the Army actually conducts public graduation-from-basic ceremonies, complete with mommy hugs (flowers optional) for the newly minted bullet-bait warriors. Ugh. The U.S. Army mission now includes accommodating helicopter parents.

    Back in the day we were simply handed orders to A school and pointed at two buses. One went to the airport and the other to the train station.

  3. dad29

    Umnnhhh….Merlin…..when I left BCT for MOS schooling in the very late ’60’s, there was a “graduation” ceremony, too.  Fast and dirty, but some moms actually showed up.

    Owen, my possession of military doctrine is scant, but IIRC, “boots on the ground” were the sine qua non of conquering an enemy.  So the fatties actually have to march.

  4. Merlin

    Now I feel deprived. Where do I file a claim?

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