Boots & Sabers

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1657, 01 Oct 18

A Winning Trade Deal

It will take some time to ferret out all of the details in the new trade deal between America, Canada, and Mexico , but so far it looks good – especially for Wisconsin.

In a win for the United States, USMCA will open up some of Canada’s dairy market to US farmers. The issue was a big sticking point between the two negotiating teams.
Under the original NAFTA, Canada limited how much milk, cheese and other dairy products could come in from the United States.
But under the updated agreement, Canada will set new quotas for the United States. It will increase market access for US dairy, poultry and eggs. In return, the United States will allow more Canadian dairy, peanuts and peanut products, and a limited amount of sugar to cross the border, according to a document from US Trade Representative’s Office.
Canada has also agreed to end a system that had kept the price of some milk products, including milk protein, low. This change will also allow more US dairy products to enter the Canadian market.
The new trade agreement aims to support American workers in several ways.
Most notably, it requires that 40% to 45% of car and truck parts be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour. The goal is to level the playing field between American and Mexican auto workers and to incentivize manufacturers to build more in the United States. One of the main criticisms of NAFTA is that it prompted American car makers to shift production south of the border, where workers earn much less than their US counterparts.
The deal also mandates that 75% of a vehicle’s parts must be made in North America, up from the current 62.5% rule. The Trump administration argues that this will help incentivize billions in new auto sector production in the US.
Also, Mexico has committed to recognize workers’ right to collectively bargain, and the three countries agreed to enforce rights recognized by the International Labor Organization.
Overall, it doesn’t look like there’s anything hugely transformational for good or bad, but the agreement moves the needle a little further in America’s favor. I’ll take it.

1657, 01 October 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Trump just keeps on winning!

  2. Le Roi du Nord

    Odd for true conservatives to crow about mandatory wages “it requires that 40% to 45% of car and truck parts be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour”.  If this had been proposed by a Democratic administration you would have been screaming “socialism” at the top of your lungs.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Trump appeals to blue collar Democrats with this.

    This is part anti-prosperity liberals don’t get.

    I’m not thrilled about this mandate, but it steals reasonable, smart Democrat base…and I like that. We have to separate the rational Democrats from the crazy loon liberals. Trump is very good at that.

    Good Trump.

  4. Le Roi du Nord


    So being a hypocrite doesn’t bother you?  And just like trump, all you have is calling folks with differing opinions names.  Great policy for the intellectually challenged.

    Navarro was just on the radio explaining how we all need to suck it up because this policy will raise US auto prices $100’s of dollars.

    What is interesting is that you are only a “conservative” when you think it benefits you personally. .

  5. Mike

    It’s called compromise, and the overall benefit is much better for the US. Car prices will rise a little, but more people will be able to afford them because they have good paying jobs.

    A trip through Jackson saw gas stations willing to pay $12 hr for clerks.

  6. dad29

    Trump appeals to blue collar Democrats with this.

    This is part anti-prosperity liberals don’t get.

    Neither do the white-shoe Republican jackasses, Kevin.  Working-class Americans of every racial stripe now have a powerful advocate.  Can’t say that for either of the Bushes, nor Obama, nor Clinton.

  7. Merlin

    Looks like DJT will be staying on Dick Trumka’s Christmas card list after all.

  8. Jason

    >Odd for true conservatives to crow about mandatory wages “it requires that 40% to 45% of car and truck parts be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour”.  If this had been proposed by a Democratic administration you would have been screaming “socialism” at the top of your lungs.

    Actually, it’s not truly free marketism, but it is an attempt at protecting American Workers.  I understand this is confusing to the elderly, but what this clause is enforcing is that if companies want to avoid Tarrifs on their foreign made products, then they must pay a minimum wage to their foreign workers.  See that?  It’s not a mandate… it leaves a lot of choices for the companies.

    We never have to worry about “Screaming” if a Democrat would have done the same, because look at what Clinton didn’t do when he had the chance to negotiate the same.  He fucked many working class Americans right out of jobs while Weinstein’ing all over Washington DC.

  9. dad29

    look at what Clinton didn’t do when he had the chance to negotiate the same.  He fucked many working class Americans right out of jobs while Weinstein’ing all over Washington DC.

    You have to remember that Clinton was on the Chinese Communist payroll.  That began during his first presidential primary election; his campaign was near-bankrupt when a Chinese national resident alien showed up with bags full of cash.

    He was running as part of this group:


    Former Mayor Larry Agran of Irvine, California
    Former Governor Jerry Brown of California
    Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas
    Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska
    Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa
    Former Senator Paul Tsongas of Massachusetts
    Governor Douglas Wilder of Virginia
    Filmmaker and activist Tom Laughlin
    Former Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota

    Clinton negotiated NAFTA with the ‘back-door’ allowing ChiCom steel and aluminum to be imported through Mexico and Canada; thus, when he gave Red China its Most Favored Nation trade-status, they were able to cripple the US primary metals market.

    Clinton was also very generous to the ChiComs with such things as Defense secrets and technology, such as the one for ballistic missiles (sold to the Communists by Loral) which allows the ChiComs to hit the USA with one of their nukes.

    Hard as it is to believe, it’s likely that Clinton (and his bitch) were more destructive to the US than was Obama.

  10. Kevin Scheunemann


    I don’t like evcrything in the trade deal, but I consider it better for USA than it was before.


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