Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2030, 19 Sep 18

“Cathay Paciic”

Wanna get away?

An airline has had to send a new plane back to the paint shop after the company’s name was spelled incorrectly on it.

Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific painted its name as “Cathay Paciic” on the side of the jet.

Eagle-eyed travellers spotted the mistake at Hong Kong International Airport and contacted the airline.

“Oops this special livery won’t last long! She’s going back to the shop!” the company joked on Twitter.


2030, 19 September 2018


  1. Jason

    Well there’s another airline that LeRoy won’t fly on.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    I’d have no problem flying on that plane…no grammer police on board!

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