Boots & Sabers

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2153, 18 Sep 18

Senate Hearing to Proceed


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is pressing forward with a hearing scheduled for Monday after a woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault called for the FBI to investigate her claims before she testifies.

Grassley, on Monday evening, said there was “no reason” to delay the hearing. Republicans have invited both Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, his accuser, to testify publicly.

“Dr. Ford’s testimony would reflect her personal knowledge and memory of events. Nothing the FBI or any other investigator does would have any bearing on what Dr. Ford tells the committee, so there is no reason for any further delay,” Grassley said.
He added that Ford’s claim that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were both in high school are “serious allegations and Dr. Ford deserves to be heard. …The invitation for Monday still stands.”
Ford has her chance to testify if she chooses to do so. If she takes a pass on the chance, then so be it. I hope, however, that this is not setting a precedent that anybody who accuses a nominee of something will get time at a Senate hearing. All of the loons will come out if we allow that.

2153, 18 September 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I agree, Grassley, is being too generous here.

    However, if she passes, that should eliminate the accusation as baseless on its face.

    I don’t like giving podium to every lunatic that comes along either.

  2. Merlin

    Oh, my! A Republican with a spine!

  3. MaxwellsEQs

    I would think that it would be appropriate for the FBI to do an investigation given then circumstances and the importance of the position.

    In addition to the charges leveled by Ford, the FBI should investigate whether Brett Kavanaugh participated in any sexual harassment when he clerked for disgraced Judge Kozinski in the 1990s. Ford said that Kavanaugh and a friend sexual assaulted her together, did this pattern of behavior continue with Kozinski?

    Cyrus Sanai has alleged that at least half a dozen women who worked with the judges were sexually harassed.



  4. Le Roi du Nord

    Love the quote, “Kavanaugh was not a dispassionate finder of fact but rather an engineer of a political smear campaign. And after decades of that, he expects people to believe he’s changed his stripes”.

    Thanks,  jjf

  5. Jason

    >“Kavanaugh was not a dispassionate finder of fact but rather an engineer of a political smear campaign. And after decades of that, he expects people to believe he’s changed his stripes”

    It’s as much nonsense word smithing as you denounce Kevin for.  LeRoy, you’re a classy hypocrite, no doubt.

  6. Merlin

    DiFi is already backing away from Ford under nothing more than a cursory bit of investigation by the mainstream media. This does not bode well for Dr. Ford on a personal level. Ford’s value to the political animals propelling her forward is time sensitive and their support will evaporate the instant Ford has outlived her immediate usefulness.

    I sincerely hope Dr. Ford is receiving sterling independent legal advice that identifies for her the point where this political theater assumes the potential to become personal legal jeopardy.


  7. Le Roi du Nord


    Nope, nothing remotely close.

  8. MjM

    Jiffy hurls: Here’s David Brock’s insider impression of the state of conservatives.

    Institutionalized paranoid schizophrenic, that David Brock?

    Even the Dems know it.

    Money Quote:

    “I hope Hillary understands how batsh*t crazy David Brock is.” -Neera Tanden,  advisor to Hillary Clinton, in an email to  Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta


  9. dad29

    All of the loons will come out if we allow that.

    Well, yah, but that will be the entire (D) Party membership.  May take a while to get through hearings then, eh?

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