Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1010, 02 Jun 18

Deerfield Ramps up for Gun Confiscations

Remember little stories like this when your neighborhood anti-2nd Amendment zealot says stupid stuff like, “we don’t want to take your guns” or “we just want sensible gun control.” Yes they do, and no they don’t.

The ordinance enacted April 2 by the Deerfield Village Board gives residents until June 13 to turn in any guns that fit the village’s definition of assault weapons, remove them from the village or modify the guns so they’re no longer considered assault weapons. The ordinance empowers the town’s police chief to confiscate the assault weapons of anyone charged under the ordinance.

Owners found in violation can be fined up to $1,000 a day, according to the ordinance.


In the ordinance, the definition of an assault weapon includes, among others, semiautomatic rifles that have a fixed magazine with a capacity to accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition; shotguns with a revolving cylinder; and semiautomatic pistols and rifles that can accept large-capacity magazines and possess one of a list of other features. Among the dozens of specific models cited are the AR-15, AK-47 and Uzi, according to the ordinance.


1010, 02 June 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Sounds like we need to occupy and re-take Deerfield, since the Marxists have declared Constitution void and denied their Constituents basic constitutional rights.

  2. dad29

    Nah, Kev.  Buy the popcorn franchise in Deerfield.  You’ll be rich and you’ll get to watch a lot of fun stuff, too!!

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    I have to check to see if my passport is in order.


  1. Yes, Virginia, they do want to take your guns. | Lunacy is contagious - […] […]

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