Boots & Sabers

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2114, 20 Apr 18

North Korea Halts Missile Tests

I don’t trust Kim at all, but this is the most progress we’ve seen in many, many years…. like… ever.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said he will suspend all missile tests and shut down a nuclear test site with immediate effect.

“From 21 April, North Korea will stop nuclear tests and launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles,” the Korean Central News Agency said.

The decision is aimed at pursuing economic growth and peace on the Korean peninsular, state media report.

Mr Kim is due to meet his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in next week.

He is also expected to hold an unprecedented summit with US President Donald Trump by June. If it takes place, it will be the first meeting between a sitting US president and a North Korean leader.


A spokesperson for the South Korean president called the North’s move “meaningful progress”.


2114, 20 April 2018


  1. MHMaley

    Any bets when they resume testing ?
    I think the phrase down South is “fixin’ “ to do something

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Oh Mark,

    Trump has achieved the greatest progress since the 1953 cease fire and you yawn?

    I agree we should proceed cautiously, but can’t you thank Trump for punching evil in the mouth last 18 months?

  3. steveegg

    I’d like to believe, but we’ve been here before with North Korea.  Indeed, the reason I heard was that North Korea was done with its testing regime, not that any pressure applied to them had the intended effect.  We’ll be lucky if all Krazy Kim III does is resume missile and nuclear weapons testing.

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