Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0717, 13 Feb 18

West Bend School District Projects Declining Enrollment

Good to know.

The district is expected to have about 6,509 students during the 2018-19 academic year and by 2023-2024 that number is expected to decline near 6,160.

“This all could change with the economy,” Van Spankeren said. The trend is normal and being seen at most other districts he said.

This academic year there are 6,729 students in the district, according to how districts are supposed to count them. The actual head count is 6,909, but students who don’t attend a full day of school, like 4K students, count as less than one.

Of course, projections could always change. I remember a few short years ago when the district was asking for a huge pile of money in a referendum that they were projecting increasing enrollment. But this projection is worth keeping in mind as the district prepares to ask for millions of dollars in a referendum to build a new Jackson Elementary that will be much, much larger than the one that’s already there.


0717, 13 February 2018


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