Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1657, 10 Feb 18

U.S. Intelligence Duped

First reported in the New York Times. This is ridiculous.

The seller, reached through a chain of intermediaries, wanted $1 million.

The $100,000, delivered in a cash-stuffed suitcase handed over in a Berlin hotel room, was an initial payment by US agents still dubious he really had what he was promising.

– Trump kompromat –

The seller also repeatedly pressed US agents with offers of compromising materials, or kompromat, on Trump, the Times said, citing US and European intelligence officials.

It seems like they were overzealous in giving away suitcases full of cash in exchange for dirt on the President.


1657, 10 February 2018


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