Boots & Sabers

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0755, 27 Dec 17

President Obama Pushes for Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Effort

Oh, It’s President Trump’s idea? Well, okay then. Still no.

West Palm Beach, Florida (CNN)President Donald Trump, looking ahead to a critical election year where his record will be on the ballot alongside Republican lawmakers, plans a major push on infrastructure in January, aides said this week.


Despite promising a $1 trillion infrastructure bill during the campaign, Trump’s plan is shaping up differently. A White House official said on Tuesday the current proposal — set to be unveiled in the middle of January — would propose spending at least $200 billion on infrastructure projects over the next decade, with the hopes of spurring an additional $800 billion in state and local funding.
Some Democrats and business groups have said that $200 billion is too low. But the White House official characterized the figure as a floor, not a ceiling, and said Trump is willing to spend more federal dollars if it means getting a package through Congress.

0755, 27 December 2017

1 Comment

  1. billphoto

    The last trillion dollar stimulus was not very effective.  I still remember the County Finance Director telling me she had given raises to 10 people which counted as ONE JOB SAVED.  Of course, the increased cost of labor was reflected in the following years budget.

    When two ‘shovel ready’ infrastructure projects were proposed, Milwaukee butted in and threatened to scuttle everything unless they got a cut.

    One would hope any planned infrastructure stimulus would actually go to infrastructure but, as I drive the roads in Milwaukee, there is ample evidence that throwing money at a problem is not the solution so until taxpayers can cut out the middle man, aka government, we would be better off burying our money in a coffee can in the back yard.

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