Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1801, 22 Dec 17

Ethics Commission Administrator Demands Investigation of Himself

The key to this is in the last sentence in the excerpt.

Ethics Commission Administrator Brian Bell is requesting the commission launch an investigation into his conduct, saying the move would help set the record straight on allegations legislative leaders have made against him.

Meanwhile, the commission is also weighing holding its own public review of Bell’s performance should the Senate opt not to hold a confirmation hearing. But commissioners in the meantime decided to send a letter to Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald to request more information on whether the chamber will hold a hearing prior to the up or down vote that could take place in January.

Bell said today an Ethics Commission review into his conduct would “refute the baseless allegations that have been made against me.”

“I believe that an objective review of my conduct in service to the state would definitively show that I have consistently conducted myself in a nonpartisan and impartial manner,” he said.

As part of an investigation, the commission would have the power to subpoena records and call witness in to testify under oath, Chair David Halbrooks noted.

It should be obvious on its face why the Ethics Commissions should not investigate its own administrator. It would be like having a police officer investigate himself after shooting a citizen. It is clearly inappropriate. But the reason Bell is calling for it is because, “the commission would have the power to subpoena records and call witness in to testify under oath.” The members of this commission, several of whom were complicit or directly involved in the abuses of the GAB and the John Doe, are angling to continue their persecution of Wisconsin conservatives under their new commission.

No thanks.


1801, 22 December 2017

1 Comment

  1. billphoto

    On its’ face, I would have thought this reasonable.  Thanks to your insight Owen, the tidbit I missed but you did not puts this all into the proper perspective.

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