Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1632, 13 Dec 17

Madison Taxpayers Waste Money on Broadband

Two years. Half a million dollars. 19 people served. Way to go

After two years and spending more than $500,000, Madison is well short of goals for the pilot program. ResTech had delays in extending fiber cable to the neighborhoods, and once there, found unexpected barriers in getting permission from property owners to connect to buildings and so far has signed up few customers.

The problems were outlined in a story in the Wisconsin State Journal on Nov. 20, the same day the termination letter was sent.

The “Connecting Madison” pilot program has potential to bring service to 161 buildings with 1,083 apartments in the neighborhoods with connections projected by the end of 2016.

But as of Nov. 17, ResTech had made broadband service available to just 86 buildings and had only 19 customers.


1632, 13 December 2017


  1. kjanz1899

    Apparently Madison has sufficient broadband options with ResTech.

  2. billphoto

    $26K per customer.  Hope they billed the users and let taxpayers off the hook.  That’s even higher that Charter.

  3. jjf

    Why, that’s nothing compared to the billions in tax breaks the state has given to ATT since the days of the Thompson administration, on the condition that they deliver broadband to everyone in the state.  Yeah, that didn’t happen either.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    Typical liberal investment scheme.

  5. kjanz1899

    Jjf, I find that hard to believe.

  6. jjf

    KJanz, it’s true. Google “$200 Billion Broadband Scandal”.

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