Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1349, 29 Nov 17

Economy Growth Accellerating


  • Gross domestic product grew at a 3.3% annualized rate (est. 3.2%), revised from 3%; fastest since 3Q 2014
  • Consumer spending, biggest part of the economy, grew 2.3% (est. 2.5%); revised from 2.4%; down from 3.3% in 2Q
  • Business-equipment spending rose at a 10.4% pace, a three-year high, revised from 8.6%; reflects transportation gear
  • Corporate pretax earnings rose 5.4% y/y, following a 6.3% y/y advance

1349, 29 November 2017


  1. billphoto

    Owen, there you go again. You know your post will trigger someone.  This must be Obama’s left over successes.  Crediting Trump MUST be fake news.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Trigger GIF

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