Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1926, 19 Oct 17

General Kelly Responds to Phone Call Controversy

Wow. I believe that’s the final word.


1926, 19 October 2017


  1. Pat

    Trump should have heeded Kelly’s advise and not place phone calls.

    It’s a shame he had to come out and discuss this with the public. He was right, we should keep the deaths of those that served sacred. There is nothing to gain by dragging gold star families into the the discussion and my heart goes out for all gold star families. I watched Taking Chance tonight on Kelly’s recommendation. It was a very moving movie.

  2. billphoto

    I have to believe President Trump’s heart was in the right place while  Democratic Rep. Frederica S. Wilson’s purpose was strictly political.  Using Gold Star families for political purposes is a disgusting tactic.

    I especially took special note of General Kelly’s statement that former President Obama did not call him when is son died in service to our Country when he added that was not a criticism.

    What President Trump said and the context is an unknown for me but he does have a propensity for saying dumb things.  Somebody needs to take away his Twitter account.

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