Boots & Sabers

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1323, 14 Oct 17

Layoffs at Tesla

That stinks.

Tesla has fired at least 400 employees this week, including associates, team leaders and supervisors, a former employee told Reuters on Friday.

The dismissals were a result of a company-wide annual review, Tesla said in an emailed statement, without confirming the number of employees leaving the company.

‘It’s about 400 people ranging from associates to team leaders to supervisors. We don’t know how high up it went,’ said the former employee, who worked on the assembly line and did not want to be identified.

Tesla Inc fired about 400 employees this week, including associates, team leaders and supervisors, a former employee told Reuters on Friday

Though Tesla cited performance as the reason for the firings, the source told Reuters he was fired in spite of never having been given a bad review.

Tesla is an innovative company that is pushing the boundaries of culture and technology. It is also a company that consistently fails to meet expectations, is propped up by taxpayers, and is apparently very poorly managed. It would be nice to see a better managed company acquire them, their patents, and move it forward.


1323, 14 October 2017


  1. dad29

    The car biz he has going is in horrible shape.  He has about 3X the workers/car as does Detroit (and others); has “gone his own way” in manufacturing the Model 3–which has cost him dearly; and in order to meet his stated production goals, he will have to build another complete plant, shift from 1X8 to 2X10 (production & hours) shifts…and even then he won’t make what he promised for at least 2 years.  Further , there are rumors galore about quality problems in the Model 3.  No surprise given his “pilot car” M.O.

    Oh–by the way–buying the base-level Model 3 ($35K) will be like buying a coaster wagon with windows.  There are almost zero desirable features outside of “it’s a Tesla” and admittedly, good looks.

  2. Paul

    Doesn’t help that the hiring process at SpaceX and Tesla is obnoxious, with Elon Musk still having final approval on any manager and above candidates.

    Really says a lot about Elon’s candidate picking skills.

  3. billphoto

    Given time, the market will respond with a product the public wants at a price the public is willing to pay.  As for Musk, the man is a genius at sucking money out of taxpayers.  Combined, his companies have received nearly 5 billion (with a B) of our dollars.

    As with other before such as Solyndra, the money is gone and are jobs, too.

  4. MjM

    Tesla wouldn’t exist if not for taxpayer subsidies to rich folk buying $100,000 cars and slave mining labor.

    Shut it down.

  5. dad29

    the market will respond with a product the public wants at a price the public is willing to pay.

    Keep your eyes on hydrogen fuel-cell developments.  Toyota launched tests of drayage-trucks in L.A. last week, powered by hydrogen.

    One other thing:  that ‘market’ thought is great, except for California Air Resources Board–which actually does regulate ‘the market’ to near-death.

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