Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2003, 27 Jun 17

Cyberattack Sweeps Globe

Ouch. We need an answer.

Companies across the globe are reporting that they have been struck by a major ransomware cyber-attack.

British advertising agency WPP is among those to say its IT systems have been disrupted as a consequence.

The virus, the source of which is not yet known, freezes the user’s computer until a ransom in untraceable Bitcoin is paid.

Ukrainian firms, including the state power company and Kiev’s main airport, were among the first to report issues.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant has also had to monitor radiation levels manually after its Windows-based sensors were shut down.


2003, 27 June 2017


  1. kjanz1899

    There is no one answer unless you are willing to use a Commodore 64. The best you can do is to avoid becoming a victim by doing the following

    avoid clicking on suspicious links in email
    back up your files
    use a password manager
    apply all Windows security update ASAP
    run two antivirus/antimalware programs
    use a firewall
    switch to Linux or MacOS until the hackers decide to target those systems
    if you can’t get away from Windows, install a virtual machine such as Virtual Box and Linux inside of the VM

    The Virtual Box option is a bit extreme but there downloads available that take care of the more technical details of setting up the VM and Linux.


  2. Jason

    Used to be that perimeter defense was the focus on keeping baddies out. Now that isn’t good enough. Protect and segment your companies ‘Jewels’ and make sure accounts limited in access to local systems and use an airgapped or other account that does not have access to the internet or email.

    Always be prepared to restore from backups, whether an end user pc or critical company servers. Hit with ransomware? Wipe and restore, and then walk away. Sure it increases your cost of business, but that’s part of today’s operating costs.

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