Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1438, 21 Feb 17

Shutdown Looming

Oh how different the tone is compared to when the Senate Republicans might threaten a government shutdown. Now it’s all about the need for Trump and Senate Republicans need to cave to the minority party.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Add a potential government shutdown to President Donald Trump’s growing roster of headaches.

Beneath the capital’s radar looms a vexing problem — a catchall spending package that’s likely to top $1 trillion and could get embroiled in the politics of building Trump’s wall at the U.S.-Mexico border and a budget-busting Pentagon request.

While a shutdown deadline has a few weeks to go, the huge measure looms as an unpleasant reality check for Trump and Republicans controlling Congress.

Despite the big power shift in Washington, the path to success — and averting a shuttering of the government — goes directly through Senate Democrats, whose votes are required to pass the measure. And any measure that satisfies Democrats and their new leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, is sure to alienate tea party Republicans. Trump’s determination to build his wall on the U.S.-Mexico border faces a fight with Democrats, too.

Of course, the big farce is that a government shutdown doesn’t really shut down. Most spending is automatic and/or mandatory and just keeps trucking along irrespective of whether or not Congress acts. I vote to shut it down for a month and then permanently kill any program that a majority of Americans didn’t miss.


1438, 21 February 2017


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