Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1848, 30 Jan 17

Humphries Supported Walker Opponent

He’s sure campaigning like a conservative now, but it’s difficult to reconcile that with his apparent opposition to the single-most empowering education reform to come out of the legislature in generations.

State superintendent candidates backed by mostly conservatives once donated money to a former opponent of Gov. Scott Walker, campaign finance records show.

John Humphries, a former Dodgeville School District administrator, donated $35 to Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett’s campaign against Walker during the 2012 recall election.

The donation came after Humphries also signed the 2011 petition that triggered the recall after the passage of Act 10, Walker’s signature law…


1848, 30 January 2017


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Supporting Barrett makes you a liberal.

  2. penquin

    Someone gives $35 to a politician and you automatically know his stance on each&every issue, eh?

    *rolls eyes*

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