Boots & Sabers

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0946, 01 Dec 16

Stein Invests in Living Wage Jobs in Wisconsin


GREEN BAY – Aided by more than 120 temporary workers making up to $25 per hour, county clerks across Northeastern Wisconsin on Thursday will begin their recount of ballots cast in the 2016 presidential election.

A judge’s ruling that the work could be done by machine rather than by hand will reduce the time needed for the recount, several clerks said. But the work still could take a week or more, and officials say there’s no way to tell exactly how long it will take to recount thousands of ballots.

“We’re hoping to be done by next Thursday,” said Shawano County Clerk Pam Schmidt.

The money isn’t coming from county coffers. Green Party candidate Jill Stein  and independent candidate Roque De La Fuente this week paid the state almost $3.5 million to cover the estimated cost of recounting nearly 3 million presidential ballots. Officials in the state’s 72 counties would have until the end of the day Dec. 12 to complete the count.


0946, 01 December 2016

1 Comment

  1. Le Roi du Nord

    At least the recall will put that $3+ million of donated money into the WI economy.  I don’t know why anyone objects, there is donated $$ going into the economy, the end result won’t change the outcome, and there may be procedural or process problems discovered that all of us should want fixed.  Win/Win for all.

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