Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0703, 27 Sep 16

Secure Your Valuables

This kind of thing is becoming more common in Washington County. Secure your stuff, folks.

Several vehicle burglaries occur at Germantown sports events

Don’t leave valuables where they can be seen in your vehicle.

That’s the message area law enforcement would like heeded after a rash of thefts hit Germantown on Sunday in which windows were smashed on four vehicles and valuables taken — in three cases the valuables were purses — while daytime sporting events were going on.

Germantown Police Chief Peter Hoell said the thefts happened Sunday at two different sporting event locations, the soccer fields on Fond du Lac Avenue south of Donges Bay Road and the athletic fields near Kennedy Middle School.

“It’s a bit unusual that someone was able to smash windows and not be heard, but we think these thefts may be related to some that have been happening around Washington County,” Hoell said. “People tend to be too trusting. They leave their valuables in plain sight in their vehicles. Even if they do lock their vehicle, it really doesn’t take much effort for someone to smash a window.”


0703, 27 September 2016


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