Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1006, 17 Jul 16

Washington County Board Votes to Keep Meetings During Day

Closer, but not there yet.

During this week’s Washington County Board meeting Dist. 3 County Supervisor Christopher Bossert put forward an amendment that would move county board meetings to the evening. The amendment was just two votes short, but closer than the board has ever been towards moving their meetings to the evening.

Holding the meetings during the day limits both the public’s ability to attend meetings and the ability of many working people to become supervisors.



1006, 17 July 2016


  1. old baldy

    I agree. All or most of the meetings should be in the evening.

  2. Anonymous

    It would be a better idea. In the past the typical Board members have been mostly farmers, retirees, of independent business owners. And the majority of them should be just as available in the evening as they are during the day.

  3. Anonymous

    Meant “or” independent business owners.

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