Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2047, 05 Jul 16

“Just because we hold elections and ritualistically cast votes doesn’t make this a self-governing society”


The ubiquitous rebuttal: But Trump is better than Clinton. It’s a two-party system—if you don’t vote Trump, if you vote for a third candidate or abstain, you’re wasting your vote and it is the same as voting for Clinton.

It is not a two-party system unless you vote that way. Take the red pill: free your mind. There are a score of other parties in the United States and you and I have every right to vote for any one of them or none at all. If you really want a revolution, try burning down the two-party duopoly. That might usher in real change.

It is not a two-party system unless you vote that way.

My vote doesn’t belong to the GOP. It is not theirs to lose. They don’t have a presumptive claim to it, as if it starts in their column by right and declining to give it to them requires justification. My vote is mine, and they must earn it by giving me good reasons to believe they are best qualified to govern. I refuse to honor the party of Trump with such recognition.

Not voting for Trump isn’t the same as voting for Clinton, unless I vote for Clinton, which I will not do. Not voting for Trump is a morally meaningful act. It means I can look myself in the mirror, sleep soundly at night, and look my children in the eye with dignity and self-respect.

It means that if and when the country is ready to welcome a new political movement of limited government and human dignity, a few—like Sasse—will be standing ready, unsullied by the catastrophe unfolding around us, ready to replace the nihilist apparatchiks who tried to buy a few more years in power by shilling for a neo-fascist.

This is a morally clarifying moment. Trumpism is unjust, foolish, and un-American. It was wrong before May 4, and it is wrong today. It is appalling—it is obscene—that a political party rooted in civic responsibility, limited government, and ordered liberty has so quickly embraced a strongman demagogue. Andrew Sullivan is right: America is ripe for tyranny. Just because we hold elections and ritualistically cast votes doesn’t make this a self-governing society.


2047, 05 July 2016


  1. Pat

    Perfectly said!!!!

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    I agree with Pat.

    The end of the country must be near.

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