Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0646, 27 May 16

Heroin’s Scourge

So sad… this is the second heroin-related death in the area in as many weeks.

James H. Helmer, age 38, of Beaver Dam, ended his life on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 because he couldn’t withstand the pain of addiction any longer.



James lost everything in order to support his addiction. Heroin made him give up life as a father, son, and brother and made him believe that it could make him feel normal. Heroin was more powerful than words a mother could say to her dying son; more powerful than a five-year-old boy could say to his dying dad.

It is strong but it can be beat. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Fight today. Please visit and see what you can do to help end this growing disease.


0646, 27 May 2016


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