Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1720, 26 May 16

Clinton Failed to Turn Over All Emails to State Department

Of course she did. Did anyone really think that she was forthcoming? If so, I have a bridge for sale…

After 14 months of public scrutiny and skepticism over Clinton’s motives in keeping her emails secret, new questions emerged Thursday. They centered on her apparent failure to turn over a November 2010 message in which she worried that her personal messages could become accessible to outsiders, along with two other messages a year later that divulged possible security weaknesses in the home email system she used while secretary of state.

The Clinton campaign has previously denied that her home server was breached, but newly revealed emails show an aide worried it could have been compromised.

The existence of these previously unreleased messages — which appear to have been found among electronic files of four former top Clinton State Department aides — renews concerns that Clinton was not completely forthcoming when she turned over a trove of 55,000 pages of work-related emails. And it has drawn fresh criticism from presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.


1720, 26 May 2016

1 Comment

  1. Jason

    More evidence of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy she’s always bitching about.

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