Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1611, 29 Apr 16

West Bend City Administrator Resigns

Thankfully, Justice saved the taxpayers the cost of the legal process and possibly severance pay.

Today the mayor of West Bend accepted the resignation of suspended city administrator Thomas Justice.


Justice’s resignation is effective May 13.

“A legal process requires specific steps be taken to terminate an employee including a hearing and a review, etc.,” said Mayor Kraig Sadownikow.  “This process would have taken the same amount of time, if not longer – probably past May 13 with a more uncertain outcome.”

Justice had a contract with a 6-month severance payout. “We’re happy to have avoided that and are looking to moving forward as a leadership team and as a community,” Sadownikow said.


1611, 29 April 2016


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