Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1353, 24 Mar 16

Another West Bend School Board Candidate Forum

There was another forum for the West Bend School Board candidates last night hosted by Common Sense Citizens of Washington County. Randy Marquardt (inc.), Ken Schmidt, and Jenn Donath attended. Tiffany Larson was absent. With the crummy weather and being the day after the other forum, I didn’t expect a huge turnout – and there wasn’t one. About 18 people attended with some of the usual suspects.

I could share my notes, but thankfully, Paula Becker beat me to the punch over on the Washington County Insider. Click through and get a blow by blow recounting of the evening.

Overall, my impressions did not change. Each of the candidates acquitted themselves well in sharing their views and opinions. They each seem like very decent people with the best interests of the students in mind. I did get a shout out from Donath for the column I wrote about Sunshine Week, so thanks for that.

I already took advantage of in person early voting where the folks at the West Bend City Hall were friendly and helpful as always, but election day in April 5th. Be sure to vote!


1353, 24 March 2016


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