Boots & Sabers

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2124, 08 Mar 16

Malcontent Professor Leaves UW


UW-Madison professor Sara Goldrick-Rab will leave the university this summer, the outspoken faculty member announced Monday night in a blog post blasting changes to tenure protections and criticizing UW officials for not doing enough to keep the campus accessible to low-income students.

Goldrick-Rab, a professor of education policy studies and prominent researcher on issues of college affordability, will join Temple University in Philadelphia in July.

This is the professor who bullied incoming freshmen on social media and only taught four semester classes over the last four years. She’s a cancerous employee with little regard for the people paying her salary. The decision by Temple to hire her makes me question their sanity.


2124, 08 March 2016


  1. Kevin scheunemann

    Isn’t Temple waaaaay more expensive for poor college students?

    So much for low income student concerns.

    Walker froze UW tuition and all liberal academia did was complain about not sticking it to students and taxpayers!

    Let East Coast libs have this cancer on their staff.

    Wisconsin is better off.

  2. Dave

    “She’s a cancerous employee with little regard for the people paying her salary.”

    The reason for tenure is so she can engage in a search for the truth without fear of being fired for her speech or research. This a good reason for tenure for those who actually believe in the words on the plaque on Bascom Hall:

    “In all lines of academic investigation it is of the utmost importance that the investigator should be absolutely free to follow the indications of truth wherever they may lead. Whatever may be the limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere we believe the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

    Ironic that the Board of Regents in 1894 took this stand when pressed by the legislature and business interests to fire a professor, Richard Ely, who had advocated for labor strikes and labor law reform. (Probably one of those radicals that advocated for an 8 hour day.)

    Tenure guarantees due process and academic freedom to the dwindling number of academics that even qualify for it. So it is understanding why you would want to see it eliminated. Since your view of the UW probably supported the Governor’s attempted evisceration of the Wisconsin Idea and UW Mission statement from a search for truth to that of a glorified employment agency.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Dave said,

    “The reason for tenure is so she can engage in a search for the truth without fear of being fired for her speech or research.”

    That is hilarious.

    When Christians express the “truth”, liberals constantly run to squelch, suppress, and punish that.

    Liberal academia is rarely about the search for “truth”, it is about pushing a pre-conceived agenda to take power from inidviduals and cede it to bureaucrats.

  4. Calvin and Hobbs

    No one has lost tenure, it’s just on longer in state statutes, like every other state. Gota wonder why she thinks Temple better than UW.
    UW ranked 41 best collage in US by US News & World Report, Temple #115 and look at Pennsylvania’s budget shortfall, 2.6 billion and has an unsustainable pension system. Not a vary smart women.
    My option, and only mine, ass meet door!

  5. old baldy

    “Liberal academia is rarely about the search for “truth”, it is about pushing a pre-conceived agenda to take power from inidviduals and cede it to bureaucrats”. Another quote from kevins Book of Made Up Stuff.

  6. Steve Austin

    This person was being paid a lot of money to research and teach on, get this, why college costs so much and how it can be more affordable.

    Oh the ironies…..

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  7. Dan

    Having gone through the teacher ed
    program at UW, i can honestly say thst most of the professors are looney and come up with the craziest teaching fads. As far as affordability, I worked my way through college without getting a scholarship, loan or grants. I never bought a book nor cheats
    So, please tell me why we need to have a petson study for years about hollege affordability?

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