Boots & Sabers

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2040, 26 Jan 16

FBI Thwarts Terrorist Attack in Milwaukee

None of us are immune from these beasts.

MILWAUKEE — FBI officials announced on Tuesday, January 26th that Milwaukee resident Samy Mohammed Hamzeh, 23, has been charged with possessing machine guns and a silencer.

Samy Mohammed Hamzeh

According to the criminal complaint, Hamzeh had been under investigation since September 2015. The investigation revealed that, in October 2015, Hamzeh planned to travel to Jordan, enter the West Bank, and conduct an attack on Israeli soldiers and citizens living in the West Bank. Hamzeh later abandoned those plans and began to focus on conducting an attack in the United States.

According to the criminal complaint, Hamzeh has engaged in extensive conversations with two confidential sources (referred to here as CS-1 and CS-2). Those conversations, which were in Arabic, were monitored, recorded, and translated by the FBI beginning in October 2015.

During those recorded conversations, Hamzeh explained that he wanted to commit a domestic act of violence and, earlier this month, he settled on a Masonic temple in Milwaukee as his target.


2040, 26 January 2016


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    FBI did a great job nailing this Islamic terrorists.

    It’s unfortunate Obama has a killer terrorist release program.

  2. old baldy


    Really? Please enlighten us. Use facts if you can.

  3. Dan

    Umm, Baldy, try Gitmo for starters. Then you have the terrorists that were released when the traitor Bergdahl was released.
    Need more evidence?

  4. Mark Maley

    Give them a trial or release them

  5. Kevin Scheunemann


    Mark would be example #2 of Obama’s terrorist catch and release plan.

    Prisoners of war are not entitled to a trial.

  6. Steve Austin

    Important to note, the Feds are for the moment only charging him with a weapons violation. Not sure how long a sentence that carries.

    They obviously decided he was way too dangerous to let run any further here. The question is whether this was a homegrown solo person or if he had some friends.

    I see MJS is trying to whitewash the whole thing tonight on the basis of some interviews with co-workers where they say they couldn’t believe he would be a jihadi. Duh. Of course he’s not going to tell his co-workers he’s planning something like this. Just like the 9-11 guys weren’t telling the instructors at the flight school they had other plans for their newly acquired skills.

    Good job to the Feds and informants that made this happen. Now make sure this guy is locked up for a long-time. This may be tough with only the weapons charge and not a subsequent charge of terrorism or attempted murder, etc.

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