Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2059, 16 Nov 15

GAB Reform Bill Heads to Walker


The Assembly has OK’d the Senate amendments to the GAB overhaul bill.

The first Senate amendment passed 58-37, with Republicans Warren Petryk, of Eleva; Todd Novak, of Dodgeville; and Travis Tranel, of Cuba City, joining Dems in opposition. Read the roll call here.

I just hope that Walker vetoes out the retired judges from the bill.


2059, 16 November 2015


  1. CthruU

    Yes! The GAB…Long Overdue To Be Reformed! Go Scott Walker!

  2. steveegg

    I don’t believe it’s an appropriations bill, so Walker can’t axe the retired-appellate-judge requirement for the 2 gubernatorial appointments to the Ethics Commission (who will be joined by the 4 Legislative appointees and any appointees from a ‘minor’ party whose gubernatorial candidate received at least 10% of the vote). However, unlike the retired judges currently on the GAB, the retired judges on the Ethics Commission won’t first have to go through the panel of 4 current appellate judges appointed by the chief justice, or be bound by any other limitation beyond being a retired appellate judge who won an election to an appellate court, before being chosen by the governor.

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