Boots & Sabers

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2129, 12 Oct 15

Disgruntled Staffer Acts Disgruntled

Isn’t “disgruntled” a great word? Is anyone ever gruntled? Anyway, this little tempest has “disgruntled fired employee” all over it.

Washingon (CNN)The attorneys for a former investigator with the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Monday issued a cease-and-desist letter alleging that Republican Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy violated confidentiality terms of a mediation between the parties.

Bradley Podliska, the former investigator who was fired this summer, this weekend publicly accused the committee of pursuing a “partisan investigation” targeting Hillary Clinton and is planning to file a lawsuit next month alleging he lost his job because he resisted pressure to conduct a biased investigation and because of his absences from the committee to complete his Air Force reserve duty.

Podliska’s attorneys alleged in the letter they shared with CNN that Gowdy and his staff “disclosed materials and information from the mediation” to the media and that Gowdy in a statement to the media described “private settlement discussions between the parties.” Discussions that are part of the mandatory 30-day mediation between Podliska and the committee are confidential under the Congressional Accountability Act.


2129, 12 October 2015


  1. Mark Maley

    Maybe .

    This coming on top of the ” we started a committee on Bengazzi and look where Hillarys poll numbers have gone ” just reinforces what the public already believes .

    The Republicans have now been handed 2 political gifts ( bogus , edited PP video’s
    And Bengazzi ) and looked petty and vindictive in their handling of both

    What else explains PP national piling numbers going up after the hearing ?

    My money says they can’t make the email
    Issue stick either . It’s not because there isn’t some fire there along with smoke .

    It’s that the GOP House is completely dis functional .

  2. Northern Pike

    Partisan investigation?

    Don’t take the disgruntled employee’s word for it. Take Kevin McCarthy’s.

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