Boots & Sabers

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1553, 24 Sep 15

Civil Service Reform Proposed for Wisconsin

Excellent! It’s good to see that the Republicans in Wisconsin are still willing to take on serious reforms.

According to a synopsis provided by the office of Rep. Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna, the forthcoming bill would “streamline the hiring process to fill positions with qualified candidates more quickly.”

The proposal would:

  • Replace civil service exams with a resume-based system
  • Centralize human resource functions
  • Implement a standard annual performance review across agencies in order to reward exemplary work
  • Clearly define “just cause” to eliminate “gray area surrounding the state’s ability to terminate employment”
  • Expedite the appeals process for disciplinary decisions

The bill is being introduced by Steineke and Sen. Roger Roth, R-Appleton.

The civil service code has become too cumbersome and too restrictive to the detriment of the citizens of Wisconsin. Like all laws, it should be reformed and refined to best serve the interests of the state’s citizens.


1553, 24 September 2015

1 Comment

  1. Captain Ned

    Owen, I’m 19 years in to the VT state unionized system and think that Rep. Steineke’s proposed reforms are too moderate.

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