Boots & Sabers

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0736, 20 Jul 15

“Black Live Matter” Protesters Can’t Afford Obamacare


When Sanders cited the Affordable Care Act as a law he supported that helped people of color by making health insurance more accessible, one man shouted, “we can’t afford that!”



0736, 20 July 2015


  1. Northern Pike

    These same people couldn’t afford private insurance before Obamacare.

    However, since the exchanges were implemented, the uninsured rate has dropped from 17.5 percent to 11.9 percent, so there are millions who couldn’t afford insurance two years ago but can afford it now.

    You can argue whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but health insurance has become more accessible to more people, not less.

  2. Dan

    That’s a load of crap, Pike.
    Because ObamaCare made mandatory insurance, and insurance that meets ObamaCare standards, is required if an employee works more than 30 hors a week, many, many employers cut their employee hours to about 29 hours.
    Wal-Mart is an example. They provided health insurance from catastrophic to gold standards and everything in between.
    Because of ObamaCare, they not only cut most employee’s hours under 30 a week, they also took away affordable health insurance from their employees because it didn’t meet ObamaCare standards.
    And it’s just not Wal-Mart, many places of employment throughout the country have done the same thing, or they had to raise their health care costs, all because of ObamaCare.
    And gee, 11.9% uninsured? Isn’t against the law? wasn’t ObamaCare supposed to solve the problem of uninsured people?
    Nice try, though.

  3. Northern Pike

    If measured against the goal of zero percent uninsured, yes, ACA did not achieve its goal. I would have preferred a Medicare-for-all solution.

    But the bottom line is nearly 6 million more people have insurance now than they did before ACA, and no amount of sketchy anecdotes can refute that. The ultimate conservative objection to ACA isn’t that it’s making life more difficult for poor people; it’s the belief that ACA provides medical insurance to people unworthy of having it.

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